21 POWERFUL Images that Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity!


Fear makes us believe in a scary world. But, when we choose Love instead of fear we realize that we are all one.

We want to live by each other’s happiness not by each other’s misery. We want to help one another, as unreal that sounds to us right now. We fight one another because greed poisons our minds. We hurt each other because we believe others will hurt us.

But no matter what game is played, no matter what side we are on, we are still humans and sometimes, through hell and heaven, in the midst of chaos and disorder, humanity shines bright reminding us that we are all in this together.

These images will remind you what being a human means. They will restore your faith in humanity and probably make you shed a tear or two.

Here we go:

Los Angeles, USA, 1992A child poses beside National Guard members during The LA Riots

2. Los Andeles, USA, 1992 - A child poses beside National Guard members during The LA Riots


Frankfurt, Germany, 2011German riot officers take off their helmets and escort Occupy protesters

1. Frankfurt, Germany, 2011 - German riot officers take off their helmets and escort Occupy protesters


Cairo, Egypt, 2011Egyptians embrace army soldiers after they refuse orders to fire on civilians

17. Cairo, Egypt, 2011 - Egyptians embrace army soldiers after they refuse orders to fire on civilians


Arlington Virginia, 1967Flower Power during the Vietnam war protests

18. Arlington Virginia, 1967 - Flower Power during the vietnam war protests


Ankara, Turkey, 2013Riot police help a woman affected by tear gas

13. Ankara, Turkey, 2013 - Riot police help a womanaffected by tear gas


Bosnia, 2013Girl hands water to two officers

12. Bosnia, 2013 - Girl hands water to two officers


Sofia, Bulgaria, 2013Riot police and protesters share a cry together

14. Sofia, Bulgaria, 2013 - Riot police and protesters share a cry together


Columbia, 2013Protestors share crackers with Colombian riot police

6. Columbia, 2013 - Protestors share crackers with colombian riot police


Cairo, Egypt, 2011Christians protecting Muslims as they pray during the revolution

15. Cairo, Egypt, 2011 - Christians protecting Muslims as they pray during the revolution


London, England, 2011Citizens band together to clean up the mess following London riots

10. London, England, 2011 - Citizens band together to clean up the mess following London riots


London, England, 2011Caring citizens offer tea to British riot police

9. London, England, 2011 - Caring citizens offer tea to British riot police


Bangkok, Thailand, 2013An anti-government protester offers a rose to a soldier

8. Bangkok, Thailand, 2013 - An anti-government protester offers a rose to a soldier


Kiev, Ukraine, 2013Man playing piano for police

7. Kiev, Ukraine, 2013 - Man playing piano for police


Bogota, Colombia, 2011A student protesting education reform hugs a policeman

5. Bogota, Colombia, 2011 - A student protesting education reform hugs a policeman


Brazil, 2013Protestors in Brazil bring cake to an officer for his birthday

4. Brazil, 2013 - Protestors in Brazil bring cake to an officer for his birthday. 1

4. Brazil, 2013 - Protestors in Brazil bring cake to an officer for his birthday. 2


Georgia, USA, 1992Child touches his reflection during a KKK demonstration

3. Georgia, USA, 1992 - Child touches his reflection during a KKK demonstration


Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2012Brazilian protester carrying an injured officer to safety

11. Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2012 - Brazilian protester carrying an injured officer to safety


Egypt, 2011Egyptian woman kisses a policeman during the revolution against the Mubarak Government

16. Egypt, 2011 - Egyptian woman kisses a policeman during the revolution against the Mubarak Government


Bucharest, Romania, 2012A young boy offers a heart-shaped balloon to police

19. Bucharest, Romania, 2012 - A young boy offers a heart-shaped baloon to police. 1

19. Bucharest, Romania, 2012 - A young boy offers a heart-shaped baloon to police. 2


<Through the infinite Universe and eternal Time we are here and now, on this planet we call home and the only thing we have in this endless void is each other>

Source of Images: http://www.emlii.com

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