QUICK TEST – Discover Yourself in 5 Minutes!


The sub consciousness is a very strange world. I mean really, it is the craziest most bizarre place you can think of and it makes the biggest sense for you. How crazy right?

As a Life Coach my job is to swim in other’s sub consciousness so I can discover and understand better what holds their true potential down.

As a person, I like to question everything so I asked myself what part does our sub consciousness play in our life.

Your PerceptionWhat I discovered a couple of years ago was truly CRAZY! It turns out that everything we perceive around us is just a projection of our sub consciousness. WHAT?!

Yes! Everything around you, every person you think you know, every bad thing that happened to you, every great thing that happened to you, every fear, wish, desire, dream, goal.. everything you SEE is a projection of your sub consciousness.

If you have a hard time believing this knowledge don’t worry, everyone does. I tried to understand this for years. However, that doesn’t make it less true.

We will make a quick test now and you will be AWE STRUCK when we finish. You will discover very deep aspects of yourself and your life in just 5 minutes, this test is just brilliant.

Let’s start, I don’t want to make it long. I promised you Discover Yourself in 5 Minutes! in the title.

You need a piece of paper and a pen. Take some I’ll wait…

Take some for real dude!

YOU really need a piece of paper and a pen!


Ok I believe you.

Good side Bad sideMake 2 sides, one with smiley face and the other with frowned face or draw whatever you like to suggest a good side and a bad side.

  1. Now I want you to remember a kid from your childhood you really liked and one you REALLY didn’t!

Write their names on the paper real quick.

Under the one you liked write what was that you liked and what was that you didn’t under the one you didn’t.

  1. Ok, now remember what was that you liked about your dad (mom if you are a girl) when you were little and what was that you hated.

Write it down on the paper.

  1. Remind yourself what is that you admire about MEN now in general and what is that you hate.

Write it down on the paper so you can see it in front of you.

  1. Remind yourself what is that you love about WOMEN now in general and what is that you hate.

Write that down on the paper also.

Are you finished?


Look at the things you wrote.

Look them really good.

These things that you’ve wrote down are what Carl Yang called projections from your Inner World.

Are you ready for the AWE?

Those things are ALL YOU! They are your things! They have nothing to do with the people you’ve attached them to.


NOTE: THESE RESULTS ARE FOR MEN! Bellow them are the results for women.

The things that you love about the kid from your childhood, about your dad, things you admire about MEN today, all those things are your gifts. Those are hidden gifts inside you that you don’t let to shine through

The things that you hate about the kid, your dad and MEN are your darkside.

They are the things you don’t like about yourself and you are not aware of or try to hide.

The things you love about WOMEN are holes in your personality you try to fill. Those are the things you haven’t yet figured out how to meet in yourself and you are projecting unto them.

The things you hate about WOMEN are your own insecurities, your own issues.



The things that you love about the kid from your childhood, about your mom, things you admire about WOMEN today, all those things are your gifts. Those are hidden gifts inside you that you don’t let to shine through.

The things that you hate about the kid, your mom and WOMEN are your darkside.

They are the things you don’t like about yourself and you are not aware of or try to hide.

The things you love about MEN are holes in your personality you try to fill. Those are the things you haven’t yet figured out how to meet in yourself and you are projecting unto them.

The things you hate about MEN are your own insecurities, your own issues.


Projecting SubconsciousnessThese things are ALL YOU and they come from your sub consciousness.

The world you live in is first created in your sub consciousness and then you project it unto the outer world.

Take time to understand this fact, take a moment to just think about what we say here.

Moments like this are when you awaken, when you become aware of what is really happening inside and around you.

Also I’ll leave you with a BONUS assignment. While you were writing down things you loved and hated maybe some problems, things you need to fix in your life came up into your mind.

Discover YourselfFocus on fixing them. They are your core problems. After you fix them you will open a way for the life you want to live to flow into your reality!

And one more thing superhumans. To make sure we focus on the right things please comment bellow what will be your main focus in life.

This way you are giving your word to the world that you will focus on fixing yourself and creating the life you want to live in!

Mind PointsTHE CODE

<Do the test, see the results and focus on fixing your core problems>
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