Grab Time By The Arrows


Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock…… The sound of infinity. The endless tempo of the universe which exists maybe even before everything. We cannot control it, we cannot change it, we desperately try to measure it and we always need more, like a drug that we are addicted to consume but in the end we are consumed by it. It is shapeless, colorless, invisible, but still we are addicted to that golden sand in the hourglass. Time.

All of us have exactly the same amount of time each day. Those 24 hours we work with as long as we are alive. Why are we so different then? Why do some have more than other? Why aren’t we all the same if we have exactly the same time in a day?

It is not about the amount, it is about what you do with it. Every day we dream and we live the reality when we wake up. The reality we have created for ourselves in the past. We sleep 8 hours for optimal health and in those 8 hours we dream. But, the important hours are the rest 16 that are remaining in the day. In those hours we try to get closer to our dreams. In those hours we create the reality in which we will wake up the next day.

For everyone’s best, I have decided to review the 3 best posts of the web that teach you how to manage your time. If you learned How to Be More Efficient and you want to know more about time management, forget everything you need to do and spend your time reading them. Your outcome will be priceless.

Time means stress for a lot of us, but it doesn’t have to be this way, well it does if you don’t know how to manage your time for your benefit. “Mayo Clinic” have written an amazing post on how to reduce stress and improve your productivity. They have created a list of 13 strategies that are going to help you improve your efficiency. “Choose one of these strategies, try it for two to four weeks and see if it helps”

Time means stress for a lot of us, but it doesn’t have to be this way, well it does if you don’t know how to manage your time for your benefit. “Mayo Clinic” have written an amazing post on how to reduce stress and improve your productivity. They have created a list of 13 strategies that are going to help you improve your efficiency. “Choose one of these strategies, try it for two to four weeks and see if it helps”


You have 8 hours to dream and the other 16 hours are yours to come closer to your dreams. Every day you need to use those 16 hours to the fullest. Every day you need to work, learn, plan, eat, socialize and have fun in those 16 hours. Many of us use those 16 hours just to survive through the day. Try to use them to escape from hell not just to survive it. Use them to gain success, use them smart so you will be able to live your dreams and not just dream them. You need to learn some habits that will help you get the best from these 16 hours. Believe it or not, Benjamin Franklin knew some awesome habits that improve productivity. “Forbes” have written an amazing post that will teach you these habits. “You can improve your life by applying Benjamin Franklin’s method”


 You must have a plan where you need to go, that is why we dream first and then we wake up. We forget that the day starts with us sleeping not with us waking up. You must have a dream to be able to chase a dream. Every day chase your dream for 16 hours and eventually, some day when you wake up, you will wake up in a reality shaped by your dream. But, if you don’t know your mistakes, you may never learn what are you doing wrong. Therefore, it is essential to know the 10 most common time management mistakes that “Mind tools” have written about. “One of the most effective ways of improving your productivity is to recognize and rectify time management mistakes”


Time is like you perceive it is. Maybe we cannot change it, or make it longer, or spare it, but we can use it and invest it in something that will make the future worth living for. Or invest in something which will make something, that will make the future better. It is up to you and your plan to decide how to use the time that is given to you. Remember that every successful person in the world have used the same 16 hours.

Mind PointsTHE CODE

<Dream for 8 hours and invest those 16 left in making your dream reality>
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