True meditation takes us to higher levels of awareness. To the understanding of who we are and what we are. It shows us that everything is connected in The Universe.
Meditation is a journey into self discovery. You are feeling relaxed because you filter your heart from negative, accumulated emotions; you clear your mind from worrying thoughts; you calm your body with deep breathing. But you do all of that to clear your way towards the journey of your soul.
What we see around us is but a glimpse of reality. The other 99% of reality is in our own mind. Every thought, image or imagination you had in your mind is a product f you.
Meditation is a practice of turning towards that 99% of reality so if anything, meditation is running into reality. It is a journey into Your Own Universe with a purpose of self discovery.
Meditation is a lifestyle. It is something that becomes an essential part of your every day, like breathing and eating. You cannot expect to do meditation for 1 month and say “Yeah, I am done, I know myself now”.
The beauty of meditation is that it never ends as long as you are alive. No matter how big experience you have You are Always a Beginner, a student of yourself. There is always something new you learn about yourself every time you meditate. That’s how you improve Your Higher Self.
<Meditation is for everyone, it is a state of thoughtless awareness of the present, a journey into reality and self discovery, and an essential part of our life>
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