What is The Biggest Thing ?


We have created a system through which we can measure almost everything. However, there are certain things we cannot measure, ever! That’s because those things are different in meaning for each of us.

Let’s take Love as an example. A girl can mean The World for someone while for another the same girl can be as insignificant as a pedestrian you pass by not even perceiving their existence.

Love can never be measured because for measurement are required things that apply for everyone. The emotional connection we make with other people/things is completely individual and varies from one to another.

Love can be probably measured by the amount of the “Love” chemical our brain produces but that doesn’t tell us how much the person means for the individual.

Their brain may be wired that way so it produces small amounts of the “Love” chemical even if the person has a bigger meaning in that individual’s mind.

Loving someone goes beyond the feelings our body produces, it is sometimes embedded in our energy, Soul, through which it gets its meaning from our Emotional Being.

We can never measure how much someone means to another person because the laws of Their Universe are different than Our Universe or any other.

So to get back to the question, “What is the biggest thing?” I guess it’s different for each of us.

Home HeartThe biggest thing is the things that has most impact in your life; the thing that is probably the essence of the place you call home.

This thing doesn’t need to be the largest in size, or the most important element in the category; sometimes when eating an icecream the chocolate topping is responsible for its delicious taste.

The biggest thing, by physical laws, has the strongest gravity. By metaphysical laws it’s the same.

Heart Compass

Wherever or whenever you are in The Universe, there is always a place or a person we tend to get back to; the place with the strongest gravity which always makes our compass, heart, point there.

We’ve created the process of comparing to make sure we choose the right thing. We always forget that to know the right thing we just need to ask our heart.

What is the biggest thing in The Universe? See here your heart points.

Mind PointsTHE CODE

<The biggest thing in The Universe depends on the perspective of the individual’s heart>
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