Are You The Same Person that Started Reading This ?


Everything changes. That’s a fact, but how long do we stay the same? How do we measure when a change starts happening and ends? When is now? Who am I? What’s my name? Where am I? (Just kidding I know my name, or at least the name I was told is mine)

These questions bring us to the very beginning of time. To what is the limit of the smallest or the biggest? So let’s start with what we know.

We are the Tool that Measure Time, not clocks and calendars. Each of us lives in a different time set. Sometimes for us Time Passes Quickly While for Other Passes Slowly, but the time is all the same. It is the perception of time that makes that illusion.

Perception of TimeSo let’s say that a time itself is a change, that means that we perceive change differently therefore it is the perception of change that tells us how much we are changed.

That means that we change only when we realize that we change and if we never realize that we change that means that we will never change?! Whoa that’s some quantum physics right there!

It’s not quite like that.

There is another variable that complicates this process, Other People. They can tell that you are changed even if you haven’t realized that at all. How is this possible?

Other PeopleIt is because other people have a certain image about you in their heads.

That image is the way you presented yourself to them in a certain moment or a collection of moments. They’ve built that image by themselves.

When you don’t see each other for a long time a gap is created between their image and the person you are now. Unknowingly, they analyze that gap and compare the changes from their old image to your new image. This is why you are different for them, changed.

What they don’t know is what you have been through that period of time. Maybe you Have Started a New Hobby, maybe something bad or good happened to you that resulted to a chain of events that changed you step by step.

How Do You See YourselfYou don’t even have to realize that you are changed for someone else to notice. So, when do we change? What change matters more, the one we know of or the one we don’t?

What matters is how we see ourselves.

Are we changed for better or worse? Do we want to be like we are now or we like to change? Can we actually stay the same for a while?

I guess that we are never the same. Our hair grows, our fingernails, our arms, legs, our cells are replaced with new ones, we learn new things, forget old ones…

We always change, but it’s the change that we give meaning to that matters. The change that we want to happen, don’t, or that already happened.

Change QuoteThe image that we have for ourselves is the measurement for the change. We can have an image of what we want to be, of what we are now, of what we don’t want to be. The difference from that image and us is how much we have changed or need to.

That’s our essence and our essence is our constant. It’s unchangeable by time, only if we choose to change it we change it. Only if we truly want to be someone else. And the essence changes instantly again becoming unchangeable by time.

So let’s get back to the question,

are you the same person that started reading this?

No. You are not. You know more now. Your hair is a little longer, your nails, some of your cells died, some new ones were born.

That’s if we see from logical point of view, but if we want an answer that is less logical and more psychological than only by asking ourselves this question we can get the right answer.

Only you can answer if you are changed or not. Only you can measure that.

Mind Points

<The change that matters is the change you perceive>
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