WHY We are NOT Sorry for Life Coach Code Being Off for 13 Days ?


As you probably know by now if you are one of our regular readers, or if you “coincidentally” stumbled upon our website during these “blackout” times, we were down for approximately 13 days.

As the owner and creator of Life Coach Code I felt obligated to explain to our loving readers Why we were off, Why we are NOT sorry for Life Coach Code being off and What is our plan for the future.

However, I decided I would make this article about the history of Life Coach Code, my struggles, where are we now with the website and what are our future plans.

Everything Happens for a Reason

Everything Happens for a ReasonLife Coach Code started 2 years ago while I still had no idea what will I do for a living, what my future will look like and most importantly who the hell am I.

The Sign

I had a Higher Calling to meet with some people who knew web development, SEO and Internet Marketing. Some may call it coincidence, some may call it destiny, but I know it was something Higher pulling the strings.

I was supposed to work for a guy who needed Video Editing Professional.

I always had passion for editing videos and creating stories from raw material but I was no professional.

When I applied I created a file on my desktop named with the name of this person, but I was never chosen. However, for some reason, I kept the file with his name on it for almost a year.

I was experimenting with various jobs and one thing led to another, I was recommended to watch a video about a guy who offers to teach people how to make 2000 Euros per month which in my country, and on my age, is A LOT.

When I saw the video the person introduced himself and the name was familiar.

It happened to be the same person I had a file with his name on my desktop for “no reason”, for almost a year.

So it was like a higher sign that I should give more attention to what he has to say.

Following The Sign

It was so simple but elegant how I came to create this website.

I went to learn web development and SEO from this marketing genius because in one of his presentation he spoke of pretty amazing income you can have by owning a website.

I wanted to create something which I can work on from everywhere around the globe and which can earn me money to travel and live.

Studying International Marketing Management was one more factor why I decided to pay him to teach me the ways of the internet.

I was LOST

I had no idea what to do in the future but I always knew deep in myself I MUST somehow help The World, make it better, or make it realize the greatness it holds locked.

It frustrated me that I was the only one who saw The World this way while all the others around me, people I love, spent every second of their life expressing how wrong, dark and dangerous The World actually is.

I will get back to this. My point is, I always knew that I had a Higher Drive towards something greater than an ordinary job and I refused to be ordinary with every quanta of force I had in me.

I must admit, when I decided to pay this man to teach me web development I had no idea what I am doing, what’s my purpose.. I was seeking money. That was it. I was lost.

I followed the similarity of my faculty, the freedom of working at home and the eventual income it may generate me. That’s it.

I could have never imagined what this website will do for me and how much it will grow me as an individual. How much it will awaken me. I had no idea. NONE!

Building The Foundations

So I started to learn web development and SEO and I created Life Coach Code because the niche was profitable and the name was cool and catchy.

I wrote my first article, I wrote a couple more, I created my Social Network Pages and in a couple of months I finished the course.

I had a website, knowledge for SEO and a dark forest in front of me with no path, no light and no company to support me on my journey towards success.

All I had was my vision and faith in that deeper, Higher drive I subconsciously felt inside of me.

And no, I was not making 2000 Euros per month. As a matter of fact, for 1 year I did not earn 20 Euros.

The Journey Begins

face the stormI had a website and a purpose to write. As I said, I always had passion for creating stories and that’s why a couple of years ago I wrote a 300+ pages fantasy novel.

I had no money to print it and I stopped writing. I forgot how passionate I was for writing and how much it helped me explore my inner world intellectually.

When I started writing for Life Coach Code..

… I fell in love with writing all over again. I loved every single article I wrote and I still do. It was special and I refused to copy ANYTHING from other websites.

That’s why I sucked at making money with this kind of work.

I spent 99% of my time, 8 hours per day researching, reading, learning, writing, understanding and editing my article.

I was unable to spend quality time on promoting, social networks, commenting, guest posting and all other tasks SEO demands.

I was TRULY investing in writing unique, quality articles but I was not able to compete with the larger sites who worked most of their time on SEO, even though most of their articles were a copy of a copy of some original article.

And it’s not just Writing and SEO. There is maintenance and programming and updating, reading news about social networks and trying to understand their games so you will know how to use them to reach more people.. and those games change every 2 weeks so you must constantly read, research, change, apply, test and evaluate.

It is Nowhere Close to Being a Simple Job

“What do you do?”

“I am a blogger, I work an hour per day traveling the world and I make a ton of money.” – said no professional blogger EVER, not even in a Parallel Universe.

Time went by and I was slowly losing interest in earning money from my website. I gained enormous pleasure in publishing my articles, much more than I imagined earning money would create.

What I sacrificed

Every article I wrote was in a way ME teaching MYSELF about the subject I was writing about. I was finally learning the things which were lost in my sub consciousness.

I have created my own academy for becoming the best version of myself I can be.

The problem was I was not making money and I spent 6 days per week 6+ hours working. I still depended on my parents and I knew how hard is for them to still support me financially.

I have 2 beautiful sisters who want to go out and have fun and who could use that money as I did on their age. It was not fair to disable them that life because I have no time to make my own money.

So I stopped going out. I minimized the money I spend and I did only the things I needed like eating food, drinking water and sleeping.

I stopped buying new clothes, better phone, new bed hahaha.. my bed was broken in half and I kept sleeping that way, I lost a huge amount of my friends for the fact that I did not go out partying, I wore shoes with holes in them, I had no girlfriend and I was in my early 20s’ so you can imagine how much I craved for intimacy.

Despite all of that..

… I lived in an environment driven by materialistic values. MONEY was all that mattered.

How could have I explained to my family that exploring your Inner World, or raising the frequency of humans is more important than having a new sweater.

Whenever I started speaking about The Spiritual Self, The Inner World, Soul, Frequency, Following your heart.. they either shut down, looked me like I spoke Martian or answered “That will not make you money.”

However, I had no time for nothing else than developing my website and discovering deeper knowledge. I fell in love with it and.. oh.. I can not explain.. it was a higher drive not letting me to do something else than develop Life Coach Code.

The Other Side of The Dark Forest

calmnessI was COMPLETELY ALONE. And let’s be honest, it fu**ing sucks to be all alone in midst of people. And I was not asking for much. Just letting me do my thing without “teaching” me how to live “better” would have helped.

I was alone, in a dark forest with no path visible, following a hunch which may not be even true and being bombarded with reasons why should I stop and get back to follow the crowd.

What I Did?

Every day I raised my frequency to be able to work on Life Coach Code, dodged conversations driven by fear trying to get me back on following the crowd, exercised, studied in my “academy”.

Every day I gave every last quanta of force I had to keep the faith that what I do is right and visualize the light behind the dark forest.

I started making small amounts of money from my website and when I say small it is SMALL, like 10 Euros per month.

I did summer jobs like selling tickets for a discotheque in Sunny Beach, Bulgaria and every cent I made I invested on Life Coach Code.

I am human also, from time to time I wanted to go out, to stop bothering how to help the world but I couldn’t. I tried but I was unable to be ok with conversations having no point or gossiping or “the weather is fine today.”

It’s like when you discover that there are no people in your TV and get back to live believing that there are people in your TV.

What this New Lifestyle Brought Me?

By 22 years I had 5 written books, a website, I traveled to over 20 countries including USA and most of Europe.

I’ve ran 4 Half Marathons, 1 Full Marathon, I have Climbed The Highest Mountain in my country, I had knowledge about working out from my 5 years experience. I started practicing Yoga and Meditation.

I knew how important a daily exercise and a balanced meal is. I knew the basics of cooking. I created a way to exercise and eat healthy so you’ll spend less money than if you didn’t.

I learned, understood and mastered the teachings of Sacred Geometry, Alchemy, Ancient History, Numerology, Vortex Math, Astrology, Quantum Physics, Psychology, Collective Evolution, Spirituality, Biology and Nutrition.

I took classes in Life Coaching and I have created my own program for helping people, based on the knowledge I had in all the aspects. I call this program SEMP and I have integrated it with Life Coach Code.

I met HUGE amount of AWESOME people across the internet and through the countries I traveled.

I made friends with Super Humans who do exactly what I do and they do it for a long time, raising the frequency of The World.

They taught me A LOT of useful lessons and I am still reading and studying from their wisdom. You can check some of them here.

I invested in a company that was just starting, a company working with the Miraculous Stone Zeolite.

I expanded The Universe of my fantasy novel to 2 more books.

I helped my family with their business by implementing my knowledge of nutrition in the coffee shop we own.

I also helped a lot of people around the globe and I must say, there is no feeling like the feeling when you know that your work helped someone to live better, be happier, love more, awaken and succeed in following their purpose.

I created a YouTube channel like I always wanted where I could be silly, have fun, do pranks and make people laugh.

It happened to be that my “boring” life, following that deeper drive I had inside of me, led me to a better life than I could have ever imagined. A better life than I could have ever had if I followed the money.

Where I am Now?

I still do not make a lot of money from Life Coach Code. I don’t even make 100 Euros per month. But I am A LOT richer than if I was making 2000 Euros per month.

Now I still have no new bed. As a matter of fact I made my room my office and removed my bad. I sleep at my grandparents. But I AM HAPPY! I know my purpose without doubt and I start to see the light behind the dark forest.

My best friend who was always supporting me no matter if he didn’t understand what I did awakened also.

He made his own website and we are walking like a team together now through the dark forest. I am not alone anymore and I discovered that I never was, it was just me who needed to wake up and see who was always there for me.

What My Plan for The Future is?

I decided to make EVERY SINGLE article on this website free and our knowledge will ALWAYS be free for the readers to use.

Our purpose is to reprogram the paradigm of people and AWAKEN them, make them discover what is their perfect life. Give them higher knowledge and motivation to be the best version of themselves they can be.

Life Coach Code is now updating to 2.0 and it is going to be awesome.

I will just hint that 3.0 will be a unity of Life Coaching website, Online Game and Social Network however it is still early for that.

Why We are NOT Sorry for Life Coach Code Being Off for 13 Days ?

Life Coach Code Best  ImageLife Coach Code was off for a couple of days because we needed to renew our domain and there was a problem with our hosting but we are up again and we are stronger than ever.

The future is bright, A LOT brighter than we could have ever imagined and we are excited that we chose this way even though it was like hell in the beginning a couple of years ago.

We are NOT sorry for life coach code being off for 13 days because it gave us time to stabilize, plan and create something AWESOME for YOU.

Super Hero Academy

We have a plan set in motion and we are creating a Hero Academy on Life Coach Code where people can get weekly lessons to Become Superheroes, Superhumans. That’s Life Coach Code 2.0.

It’s going to be AWESOME as I want to make this process of awakening and separating from the crowd A LOT MORE FUN. I think it should never feel as lame as it feels to separate from the crowd.

The YouTube Channel

Also there will be daily videos on YouTube as I am creating a channel for this website where I’ll give short 30 second Wisdom Shots about Images with Quotes.

There will be also Motivational Videos and EPIC Trailers which will inspire, motivate and raise your frequency.

The PowerPoint Presentation

I am also translating what I write about on my native language, I do not know if you have heard of it, Macedonian 😀

Do not worry if you have no idea where it is on the map as many people don’t. If you really want to know it’s between Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia and Albania.

Doing this I am planning to make a public presentation about everything I teach on my website and starting from my home I will continue to travel the world opening free workshops and giving cool presentations.

My goal is to awaken my fellow citizens as I see they need it the most, being all materialistic and struggling between their TRUTH and money.

I would also LOVE to give a TED talk about Life Coach Code if opportunity presents itself. If not, I’ll make one.

Our Schedule

Life Coach Code will also publish texts every 3 days following a sacred pattern alchemists and many ancient civilizations used to create harmonious creations so stay tuned.

Our articles will be created in a FUN and ENTERTAINING way. You will reprogram your life to AWESOMENESS one article at a time.

The 4 categories we will be writing about will grow your whole being as they focus on all the 4 pillars each human has, The Spirit, The Mind, The Body and The Heart.

We promise YOU that by reading them you will BE better, THINK better, DO better and FEEL better.

And through all that you will spend 10 minutes every 3 days and have fun while doing that. AWESOME RIGHT?!

Also, make sure to check out The Super Humans we seek out from all around The World and read how they change The World on Better – Super Human United

To Conclude

Life-Coach-CodeThe main reason for writing this article is to show you that you do not need as much money to do what you want as you think.

Follow your heart and stop giving it excuses. You will need to sacrifice something but why not if you sacrifice it for something A LOT better.

You cannot do everything but who wants to do everything. Just do what matters to YOU.

If your purpose is so strong than do something about it. Start with that and carve your life around it.

If you do not know your purpose find it. There is nothing more important than that.

I also want to say that Life Coach Code is here for you and it will just get better and better.

I love you all so much my awesome readers and I hope this article inspired you.

I’ll keep on writing and I am here for you.



Dejan Davcevski

P.S. The Super Hero Academy is coming along with the YouTube channel in 11 days so it’s ok to be excited.


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