SHOCKING! Charlie Sheen Admits He is HIV Positive and Focuses on Raising Awareness!


Before his “meltdown” in 2011 Charlie was a men we all loved. He was that cool, honest fella who always got the girl.

However, after the countless amount of drugs, alcohol and the 4 digit number of sexual partners, Charlie got infected with those “hard swallowing 3 letters, HIV”.

The internet is full of jokes, judgments and interviews about Charlie admitting he is HIV positive. However, here in Life Coach Code we will focus on something different.

HIV/AIDS has a certain stigma around it. We as people look at this disease with so much fear and this is preventing us to give it the necessary care. People living with HIV are afraid to seek help just because of this.

The greatest prison is the one we make for ourselves, be that of hiding, avoiding or running away. Once we are completely honest, first with ourselves, only than we can truly change something towards better.

Charlie’s new goal is to become more philanthropic. It is funny how in the end helping each other is all that it comes down to, no matter who you are and what you did. “I have a responsibility now to better myself and to help a lot of other people” he said.

His physician Dr. Robert Huizenga, an associate professor of clinical medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, claims that the HIV is now undetectable in Sheen’s body: “Charlie does not have AIDS,” he said. “He is healthy.”

“It’s not great,” he said. “It will be great again. I’m a survivor. I’ve been up, I’ve been down, I’ve been rich, I’ve been poor. It’s another chapter in my life but it’s not commerce driven. It’s socially driven.”

We all need to be A LOT more supportive, compassionate and aware about these kind of diseases. Practice safe sex and treat your body with love.

Body PointsTHE CODE

<Be supportive, compassionate and aware, practice safe sex and treat your body with the love it deserves>



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