Brian “Pixel-Pusha” Pollett is a San Francisco-based graphic designer who recently decided to embark on a (rather dangerous) journey where he would take a new psychoactive substance every day for 20 days and illustrate the effects along the way. Please do not try this at home.
While dabbling with dangerous prescription medicines, household drugs like alcohol, and research chemicals, Pollett balances these experiences with plant medicines. The results are informative to say the least.
“Imagine the past, future, and linear time are gone,” Pollett tells A+.
“You can just focus on your existence in the present. The idea of tomorrow is laughable. I can create art without concern of outsider judgment, without over analyzing my process, and intuitively enjoy creating the most honest work.” says Brian Pollett.
“For me, Love is not limited to sex and romance.
Love is dedication to uplifting a person or idea to help them achieve their highest potential.
Thank you all for supporting me in reaching my goals.
I leave heart and mind open and eager to return the favor.” – Brian Pollett
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