Scientists Have Figured Out How To Delete And Edit Memories, But Are We Ready?


Probably the most interesting subject for me to talk about is “Memory”.

It’s what makes us who we are, or more accurately, who we think we are.


But what is memory? Does it have a shape? Is it stored somewhere?

Scientists Have Figured Out How To Delete And Edit Memories, But Are We Ready 1

Memory is more of a process, a sequence of actions than a single object to be observed.

Scientists have proven that each memory is a sequence of electrical impulses firing through certain neurons.

Imagine something like this: Your memory of the last time you ate a chocolate icecream is a sequence of 1-2-1-2-1-3 where each number is a specific neuron. And your memory of the last time you kissed your partner is a sequence of 5-1-3-4-5-6-12

And this, let’s say .ZIP information of the certain sequence that needs to be fired for a certain memory is actually what your mind is constructed from.


What Type of Memories are There?

Scientists Have Figured Out How To Delete And Edit Memories, But Are We Ready 2

Short term memories do not have a big impact on your neurons and their position. However, long term memories reshape the way your neurons are positioned. New memories create new pathways between neurons and the more this pathway is repeated the stronger the memory becomes.

Core memories and memories you have created while you were young are more impactful than most of your adult memories because you have built many memories upon them baring their context and information.

Entering your subconscious and unconscious is actually entering your mind on a deep level to access these childhood memories that impact us all.


Is There Something Even Deeper than Core Memories?

Scientists Have Figured Out How To Delete And Edit Memories, But Are We Ready 3

However, psychologists have reported that when in hypnosis, if a patient is led too deep into the subconscious and unconscious the patient starts recalling memories that have not happened to them, or not at least in this lifetime.

By this we can assume that the deepest form of memories are stored in our soul.

And another more interesting correlation between facts is the discovery that the heart contains neurons of its own and the fact that the heart is the first organ to develop in an embryo.

Could it be possible that our soul develops the neural activity in our hearts as soon as we start developing in our mother’s belly? And, by this logic, our soul enters through our hearts, which is a place most of us naturally point when speaking about our soul.


Alright, We Went a Little Bit Off The Topic Here!

Scientists Have Figured Out How To Delete And Edit Memories 2

Memory is the glue that binds our mental lives. No doubt about that.

Without it, we’d be prisoners of the present, unable to use the lessons of the past to change our future. From our first kiss to where we put our keys, memory represents who we are and how we learn and navigate the world.

Unlike we have thought till now, researchers are discovering that memory is far more malleable, always being written and rewritten, not just by us but by others.

Neuroscientists using cutting-edge techniques are exploring the precise molecular mechanisms of memory. By studying a range of individuals ranging—from an 11-year-old whiz-kid who remembers every detail of his life to a woman who had memories implanted—scientists have uncovered a provocative idea:

What if we can EDIT our memories?

Scientists Have Figured Out How To Delete And Edit Memories, But Are We Ready

If you’re thinking about how these studies might relate to the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, you’re not far off. Among the subjects the film studies, the research of Karim Nader is explored. Nader discovered that the human memory may not be permanent but may, instead, be vulnerable to alteration each time a memory is recalled.

Did you know that each time you are recalling something, you are not remembering the actual situation, but the last time you recalled that thing?!

Yes. And with time, this is how many of our memories get distorted and some may even tell a different truth than what actually happened.

This is a new discovery that experimental methods like implanting a false memory use.

Professor Julia Shaw, who is a researcher that the film follows as well, is an expert on false memory and the implantation of memories. Her research, which has a 70% success rate for convincing people that they committed a crime that they actually were not involved in, reveals the flaws in the criminal justice system and prisoners who were convicted purely based on eyewitness testimony that was likely faulty.

What if scientists have really discovered a way we can edit, upload and delete memories?

But most importantly,

Are we really ready for a discovery like this? Is the collective consciousness ready to wield a discovery like this?


Watch the trailer for “Memory Hackets” below and tell us what you think in the comments!

Mind Points


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