10 Terrifying Before And After Photos that Will Silence Global Warming Deniers Once and For All!


If someone says the climate crisis is a hoax, show them this.

10 Terrifying Before And After Photos of Mother Earth Global Warming Deniers

The climate crisis is becoming more apparent. There are many people who deny it but the science facts are there for everyone to test!

Even when looking at recent photos of lakes, archipelagos, and coral reefs and comparing them to photos taken 20 years ago, and in some cases just a decade ago, you will notice a drastic change.

It really is simple to understand. There were many animals which died a long long time ago buried under the ground. We started digging them and burning their carbon to produce energy.

We all know this! And this simple fact is telling us that we introduced a lot more carbon into the atmosphere than it was normal.


The San Blas archipelago in Panama, 2002 and 2014

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By using it as a fuel we created Carbon Dioxide that would have not been there, ever, if we weren’t here. If we weren’t digging the carbon up to use it as a fuel. Bunnies and Wolfs do not drive cars do they?

And what happens? All this human produced Carbon Dioxide created the in-famous greenhouse effect which is getting stronger with any fuel burned. The green house effect is like a blanket covering The Earth that makes it warmer and warmer and this changes the climate.


Arctic ice, 1980 and 2012

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As the polar ice caps continue to melt, this causes erratic weather patterns and dramatic sea level rises.

NASA is now saying that global sea levels could rise by as much as three feet in the next century.

To further document the progression of global warming, the U.S. Geological Survey is working on a project using a method called “Repeat Photography,” that is helping the public visually learn about how global warming has accelerated the melting of glaciers over the past 100 years. The results are shocking, and speak for themselves.


The Enterprise Bridge in 2011 (left) and 2014 (right)

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The Enterprise Bridge passes over a section of Lake Oroville in 2011 (left) and 2014 (right) in Oroville, California, which is experiencing “exceptional” drought.


Bleaching of the Great Barrief Reef, 2002 and 2014

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1880s and 2005: Alaskan Muir Glacier and Inlet

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1920 and 2008: Grinnell Glacier Overlook in Montana.

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As the USGS’ documentation shows, the receding of glaciers in the continental US and in Alaska are drastic. The receding of glaciers began to accelerate to an even greater rate in the 1980s, when the effects of global warming began to take hold.


1930s and 2005: Alaskan Pedersen Glacier

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It has been predicted that if something isn’t done, Glacier National Park in Montana will be completely glacier free by 2030. Current climate change trends absolutely must cease to preserve these glaciers.


1926 and 2008: Grinnell Glacier in Montana

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USGS Aquatic Entomologist Joe Giersch says that small aquatic insects could be the first victims of the melting glaciers. Glaciers affect the delicate balance of nature, in a top-down fashion: Animals that are used to a colder climate will be particularly vulnerable to the effects of global warming, as they have specific food needs that the colder climate provides. One example from the above video is that the size of glaciers in Montana directly affects the huckleberry crop, which is a vital food source for grizzly bears.

97 percent of actively-publishing climate scientists agree that rising temperatures are due to human activity. 97 percent! That’s not a small percent, not at all.


Image Source: http://collectivelyconscious.net;

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