Russell Brand’s Most Honest 3 Minutes will Convince You to Stop Drinking Alcohol Like an Animal!


In most of European countries kids start drinking since the age of 15. I know, I was one of those kids. They listen to toxic music about how shitty life is and consume large amounts of alcohol to make the experience even worse. That’s what a night out looks for most people.

Most of those kids keep doing this until, one day, they are 40, unhappily married, with a dead end job and friends that suffocate every quanta of their soul.

Instead of exploring the beauty of life, the excitement of being alive, the friendship, the beauty of falling in love, dating, the infinite vastness of this ever expanding Universe, they drink cheap alcohol until they cannot see, fight, crawl the dirty streets, absorb toxicity, destroy friendships, love, and everything that’s pure.

It’s sad to watch this happen to the world and it’s even sadder watching your friends do this. It’s frustrating because you know how stupid and wrong that is. You realize there is so much potential being suppressed behind this negative addiction and you see how infinitely more beautiful, fun and HAPPY life is without it. And, you cannot do anything except watch these people becoming animals every weekend. But maybe…

Russell Brand’s Most Honest 3 Minutes will Convince You to Stop Drinking Alcohol Like an Animal

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