The ULTIMATE Gentleman Rulebook – 73 Rules Every REAL Gentleman Follows!


They say that Gentlemen are endangered species. It’s rare to see a man take away the chair for a girl to sit down, or open a door for her.

And with the whole “Girl Power” movement it’s like the world doesn’t really need this breed anymore.

But deep inside we all know that’s a lie. The world needs Gentlemen now more than ever.

Being a Gentleman is not about opening doors, or showing more dominance over women. It’s something A LOT more than showing your strengths as a man.

In fact, being a gentleman is honoring the beauty and fragility of women, because in the midst of that fragility you can find a true strength. Being a gentleman means to honor the feminine energy and create a safe space so the woman can unleash her true power.

It’s not about competition. It’s about spirit. It’s about being strong enough to be gentle, so the gentle can be strong. It’s about having responsibility to embody the male energy and give opportunity for the female to rise so they can dance together with their full potential.

Here is a guide that every man should know in order to become a gentleman.

73 Rules Every REAL Gentleman Follows

The ULTIMATE Gentleman Rulebook - 73 Rules Every REAL Gentleman Follows!


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