This Is What Each Emotion Is DESPERATELY Trying To Tell You…


Your Spirit and Body communicate with you in various ways. One of them is the language of emotions.

If you learn how to communicate with yourself you will discover that every emotion, “good” or “bad” exists to help you. They are like a guide map showing you what is out of alignment and where you need to invest more attention to.

There are no negative or positive emotions. There are emotions that demand of you to take a step back and listen, and there are motions that push you forward filled with energy. But all emotions are there to help us live the best life we can.

We tend to avoid “negative” emotions. We run away or distract ourselves from them. That’s when they become negative. All you have to do is embrace them and listen to what they have to say. They are something the deeper layers of yourself are trying to tell you.


Bitterness shows you where you need to heal, where you are still holding judgments on others and yourself.

Resentment shows you where you are living in the past and not allowing the present to be as it is.

Discomfort shows you that you need to pay attention right now to what is happening. You feel this because you’re being given the opportunity to change, to do something different than you typically do it.

Anger shows you what you’re passionate about, where your boundaries are, and what you believe needs to change about the world.

Disappointment shows you that you tried something, that you did not give in to apathy, that you still care.

Guilt shows you that you’re still living life in other people’s expectations of what you should do.

Shame shows you that you are internalizing other people’s beliefs about who you should be (who you are) and that you need to reconnect with yourself.

Anxiety shows you that you need to wake up, right now, and that you need to be present. It shows you that you are stuck in the past and living in fear of the future.

Sadness shows you the depth of your heart, the depth of your care for others and this world, the depth of your feeling.

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