POWERFUL Life Lessons A Simple Game Of Chess Can Teach You!


Many compare life with a game of chess. There is an uncanny similarity in the way we play chess and the way we live our life. And a successful game of chess demands incredibly similar movements like the ones we need to make to become successful in life.

Chess, like everything we create is a projection of our unconsciousness upon the material world. That’s why many Zen teachers say that if you become truly Zen, you can read either a book revealing the secret of life or “Alice In Wonderland” and you’ll uncover same amount of powerful wisdom in both. Everything we create is a projection of our own unexplored wisdom and, therefore, we can learn from it. Here is what we can learn from a game of chess:

POWERFUL Life Lessons A Simple Game Of Chess Can Teach You! 1

“I believe every chess player senses beauty, when he succeeds in creating situations, which contradict the expectations and the rules, and he succeeds in mastering this situation.” — Vladimir Kramnik


POWERFUL Life Lessons A Simple Game Of Chess Can Teach You! 2

“In life, as in chess, forethought wins.” — Charles Buxton


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“No one ever won a chess match by making only forward moves.” — Unknown


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“Attackers may sometimes regret bad moves, but it is much worse to forever regret an opportunity you allowed to pass you by.” — Garry Kasparov


POWERFUL Life Lessons A Simple Game Of Chess Can Teach You! 11

“Life is a game board. Time is your opponent. If you procrastinate, you will lose the game. you must make a move to be victorious.” — Napoleon Hill


POWERFUL Life Lessons A Simple Game Of Chess Can Teach You! 13

“If a player believes in miracles, he can sometimes perform them” — Viktor Korchnoi


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“You must never let your opponent see your pieces and figure out your strategy.” — Unknown


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“The game changes with every move you make.” — Unknown


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“Strategy without patience can be causatic. Patience without strategy can become anemic. Having both strategy and patience is a rare gift.” Brannon Marshall


POWERFUL Life Lessons A Simple Game Of Chess Can Teach You! 18

There are times when a well placed pawn is worth more than a king. — Mysterious Man, Castle


POWERFUL Life Lessons A Simple Game Of Chess Can Teach You! 19

“At the end of the game, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.”  Italian Proverb


Source: http://9gag.com/gag/aZNA9Xn;

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