Cristiano Ronaldo Gives HOPE To A Lebanese Kid Who Lost Both His Parents In This POWERFUL Video!


We all have our own heroes and idols, people who we look up to; who give us will and strength when things get tough. The first people to be our heroes are our parents; they give us life and show us how to live, they protect us and help us survive until we can stand firmly on our feet. When we see how they do all that we still can’t, we are amazed, we are in awe!

This Lebanese kid lost both his parents when a suicide bomber detonated a device in the Bourj el Barajneh suburb of Beirut. You can imagine how alone he feels, how lost he is in this strange wide world. Both of his primal heroes are gone. The legend of Football, Cristiano Ronaldo is one of his few heroes left. And exactly he comes to give this kid a little glimpse of hope!

“A hero can be anyone even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a little boy’s shoulder to let him know that the world hadn’t ended.” – Batman

Respect to Cristiano Ronaldo for this humane act!

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