After 100 Years Scientists Notice An ASTOUNDING Fact About THIS Painting Of Vincent Van Gogh!


After cutting off a piece of his own ear during a psychotic episode, Van Gogh admitted himself to the Saint Paul de Mausole insane asylum in France. It was there that he painted the now famous “Starry Night”.

Van Gogh suffered from what is now known as temporal lobe epilepsy. It is a condition that results in hallucinations as well as manic feelings of inspiration and fascination. His psychosis, according to historians, may very well be what inspired his turbulent pieces of work.

However, while scientists were analyzing telescope images and the natural flow of light in and around stars, they noticed something strange. It was SCARY similar to how light flows in “Starry Night”. It was striking. After detailed digital analysis of Van Gogh’s paintings, scientists discovered something truly ASTONISHING! Van Gogh unknowingly mastered fluid turbulence, one of the more misunderstood concepts in physical science. Even more interestingly, the only time his artwork mimicked fluid turbulence was when he was in a psychotic state.

We usually see psychosis as a disorder in which the patient suffers a loss of contact with external reality. However, could it be possible that some cases, see more of the reality than a regular human being can? And exactly this ‘super advantage’ creates the problem.

Through our senses, we observe only a tiny amount of reality. If someone increases the potential of one sense, or develops entirely new sense for another aspect of reality that’s ‘invisible’ to our current potential, that individual will be perceived like living in a delusion. And if most people say what you are seeing isn’t there, you’ll start to doubt your sanity which will worsen your mental health and hence, create the disorder.

Is it possible that Vincent Van Gogh enhanced some of his senses and observed an aspect of reality that is still a BIG mystery for scientists to understand?

Inspired by: Higher Perspectives;

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