Each Zodiac Sign Has Specific Formula For Happiness…


Each zodiac sign is a different adventure all on its own. They all have specific obstacles to cross, quests to fulfill and demons to fight. Through this journey of ours, the soul realizes itself and evolves.

Each zodiac sign is like a different melody, different resonance, and all of them together create the symphony of life. Some say that The Source separated itself into 12 aspects so it can create the symphony between them; just like a band is separated in a guitar player, a bass player, a singer and a drummer so it can play out songs.

However, sometimes we can get stuck. We can get lost on our journey doing the same mistakes, unable to overcome our obstacles.

Each zodiac sign has 5 specific keys for happiness that can dissolve every obstacle and unlock the hidden potential of that sign.

Here are the sacred keys for happiness the source has assigned to each zodiac sign:


formula-for-happiness-ariesDear Aries, I give you 5 sacred keys that will unlock your happiness: You have to spare 20 minutes in the morning only for yourself; time to drink your first coffee, take a shower or simply listen to an enjoyable music. No matter what others say, do whatever you really want to do and work on that; because you won’t give up until you fail or succeed. Stop wasting energy on things that are not worth it; set your priorities straight and start spending your energy on people who deserve your time. Go out daily; take a walk, ride your bike, or do some other outdoor activity because otherwise you’ll feel psychologically tired. Accept your “bugs”; don’t be ashamed of them and you’ll be less angry.



formula-for-happiness-taurusDear Taurus, I give you 5 sacred keys that will unlock your happiness: Your sense of fulfillment comes from security; the security you search for is not outside of you but within, so find that special place deep inside yourself that feels like ‘I can do it!’ because your self doubt leads you to depression. Don’t miss the opportunities to please yourself; make a clear distinction between time for work and time for fun. Practice empathy; try to understand how others feel a little better. Learn that too much pride can be your enemy; especially if it separates you from the people you love. Be a good friend; those relationships matter the most for you.



formula-for-happiness-geminiDear Gemini, I give you 5 sacred keys that will unlock your happiness: Read and learn; don’t be lazy when these things are in question. Keep up with your hobby; even if you don’t have too much time to spare, make time for your hobby. Don’t get married if you don’t live together with your partner at least a year; if you still want to get married after a year just go for it. Find a stable friend; they’ll know how to advise you. Don’t settle for things that do not interest you; try to get an additional education about what gets you excited.



formula-for-happiness-cancerDear Cancer, I give you 5 sacred keys that will unlock your happiness: Gossip less; avoid people who are not good for you because you absorb negative emotions like a sponge. Don’t miss opportunities to hang out with friends and family; this energy feeds your soul. Set priorities in your work, you need a routine; do not allow yourself to work all day while others do nothing. Practice having faith in other people; give them chance to become better. Cook; enjoy the tasty food you make.



formula-for-happiness-leoDear Leo, I give you 5 sacred keys that will unlock your happiness: Don’t feel sorry for seeking attention, love and good manners; find people who can give those things. Be straightforward and honest; don’t hide your frustrations because they will surface 10 times stronger and you’ll look immature. Don’t take the last place; you won’t be satisfied if you are not responsible for something. Release your passion and energy; it doesn’t matter if it’s through sport, art, dancing or playing music. Go out with friends more often; try to have more active life with different people.



formula-for-happiness-virgoDear Virgo, I give you 5 sacred keys that will unlock your happiness: Help others from the bottom of your heart; you are practicing empathy and that will make you feel incredible. Accept yourself just the way you are; don’t justify yourself before others, spend more time with people who share your views. Don’t take everything on your heart; gain experience and look for something new if you are not satisfied. Don’t be afraid to terminate bad relationships; you are stronger than you think. Get a pet; these sweet beings are one of your biggest comforts.



formula-for-happiness-libraDear Libra, I give you 5 sacred keys that will unlock your happiness: Customize your home, work space, car; the environment has a big impact on your mood. Learn to say ‘no’; refuse people who deserve to be refused and don’t feel bad about that. Do not lock yourself inside 4 walls; you need people, communication and going out as much as the flowers need sunshine. Decrease the level of your possessiveness and jealousy; those things make you feel bitter. Do what you really love doing; you will go far doing what you love.



formula-for-happiness-scorpioDear Scorpio, I give you 5 sacred keys that will unlock your happiness: Focus on yourself and your desires; do not listen to others because too much adaptation can awaken rage, termination of relationships and depression in you. Open up yourself to others; instead of just listening, share your thoughts. Trust your intuition; in many cases it will turn out correct no matter the circumstances. Do not be scared of your negative emotions; they serve as an outlet. Eat healthy and avoid bad habits; they are your kryptonite.



formula-for-happiness-sagittariusDear Sagittarius, I give you 5 sacred keys that will unlock your happiness: You are a seeker of truth; search for a deeper meaning in life. You love to travel; go somewhere you’ve never been once a month. Explore different topics and subjects; your personal fulfillment comes from being free to explore, grow and understand the mysteries of life and yourself. Practice different things; try to master as much areas of your life as you can. Grow spiritually; tap into your higher power and use it to manifest positive experiences and relationships.



formula-for-happiness-capricornDear Capricorn, I give you 5 sacred keys that will unlock your happiness: Give everything you can in every work; you’ll achieve all things that really make you satisfied this way. Build your character and tempt it; Get rid of smoking, unhealthy food, and start to exercise. Don’t be scared to be alone; practice spending quality time with yourself. Be spontaneous; allow yourself what your heart desires in those moments. Help others without overthinking; that makes you a better human being in your eyes.



formula-for-happiness-aquariusDear Aquarius, I give you 5 sacred keys that will unlock your happiness: Manage your finances; make a plan for saving and follow it because that will make you feel responsible. Do not be quick to change your friends, appreciate the people who love you; the excitement you get from making new friends sometimes clouds your judgment. You need high amounts of physical activity; try running or something that will completely exhaust you. Do not run away from your problems; that’s you biggest flaw. Distance yourself from bad influences; avoid people who encourage bad habits and unhealthy lifestyle.



formula-for-happiness-piscesDear Pisces, I give you 5 sacred keys that will unlock your happiness: Be open for new experiences; think about trying new things, jobs, relationships, travels to different countries. Listen to others; give them honest advices and they’ll respect you greatly for that. Do not try to please others too much, especially your partner; this way you can lose sense of your personal self. Practice responsibility; give yourself tasks you’ll accomplish. Face your problems; do not run away in stressful situations.

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