THIS Is Your State Of Mind According To Your Zodiac Sign…


Each zodiac sign has a specific outlook on reality.

Since each sign holds within a different energy imprint, a specific way your energy moves, both your emotional and mental aspects are significantly affected by it.

A sign which is more fiery and energetic, like Aries, would absorb more energy related details from the reality it lives in, and construct its default mindset based on those details. Unlike Taurus, for example, who is more earthly and grounded, and who would always absorb more materialistic details of the world.

Here is your unique state of mind based on your zodiac sign’s effect:


State Of Mind AriesAries

First of the Zodiac, first to do things kind of mentality. If they see the possibility, they aim towards the goal. Having a strong mind by nature, they can seem like a brick wall when opinions are imposed that they don’t agree with. But they see it as ‘my life, my decisions’ Some of the biggest sweethearts, they won’t stand for someone being bullied or picked on and turn a blind eye. They love hard and give with a generous heart. Often misunderstood, they need people around them who want to see the good and not be drowned out by their dominating personality.


State Of Mind TaurusTaurus

For a Taurus, things are very black and white, grey areas make them uncomfortable. The simple life is okay with them, everyday doesn’t have to be an extravaganza. They just want to have a peace of mind. Naturally driven and ambitious, they don’t mind doing the work. Even on lazy days, their mind is going a mile a minute figuring out what to do next. Love for them is all or nothing. Half ass commitments get them all the way gone. Their anger is not because they’re harsh, it’s because they’ve been bottling it up way too long.


State Of Mind GeminiGemini

Dual personality, double persona, two sides of the same coin, however you want to put it a Gemini is, and always will be, ‘a little of this and a little of that’. Their ever changing mind helps them one minute, confuses them the next. But one thing is certain, they are one of a kind. Gifted in many areas and smarter than most, they will always make a way out of no way. Some say they talk too much but there’s a lot you can gain from their words. They don’t settle for just anything. Difficult to understand for the people around them but their actions will always make it plain and simple for you, pay attention.


State Of Mind CancerCancer

They say they’re too emotional, they say they’re too nice but don’t ever mistake the fact that a Cancer is also tough as nails. They have a solid heart, one that doesn’t take lightly to being played, manipulated or mishandled. They make it their business to stay above a certain level, a level that they will not let anyone pull them under. Reflecting on the past is something they do often but rather for what they can gain and learn from it. Be a warrior for them and they’ll give you that back in return.


State Of Mind LeoLeo

They’re a lot of things, sometimes too emotional, sometimes too dramatic, sometimes too trusting and sometimes too giving. For a Leo, the best things in life are free, love and thoughtful attention. Give them those things and you’ll see a very pleasant person. It’s the overextending of themselves and feeling like people take advantage that scorches their soul. Some of the most creative people, a Leo lives through self expression, however that manifests itself. Vain? I wouldn’t say so, overly confident when they need to be is more like it.


State Of Mind VirgoVirgo

Virgos are in a league of their own. They don’t need to boast, they just let their actions do the talking. Often mistaken for the “standoffish” type, they’re just selective. If you’re not an asset, you’re a liability and a Virgo takes no prisoners. Reserved naturally, they may not be life of the party but the key entourage is centered around them. Not ones to tell their business, only a few really know them. The like to have the last word and some may not like that but that’s something they probably won’t change. They love genuinely, that’s not something you’d have to guess. A better tomorrow, that’s what they care about.


State Of Mind LibraLibra

Libras want to see the good in life, in others and in themselves. They have some of the warmest hearts and a cool personality to add on top of that. Always the observer, they have no problem waiting for the right time to handle whatever needs to be handled. They like to be two steps ahead but in their own way. Don’t mistake their rough side though, it’s there. But they treat you how you treat them. They have no tolerance for sometimey people and they expect efforts all across the board. If they want something, they get it. Screw them over, you’ll regret it.


State Of Mind ScorpioScorpio

There’s no zodiac sign with a bigger stigma attached to them than Scorpio. But say what you want, they are unbothered. Life goes on! Passionate yet cautious at the same time, a Scorpio makes their moves with a purpose. Unstoppable is what they become when they want something. Their tunnel vision to what matters to them can’t be wavered, whether it’s love, personally or professionally. Loyalty over everything is how they operate and there’s no rage like a Scorpio scorned. They just don’t play that.


State Of Mind SagittariusSagittarius

Their life revolves around learning more, seeing more and doing more. And they don’t have time for anyone who doesn’t understand that. When you get to know a Sagittarius you can instantly tell they have a good heart. They don’t want to hurt anybody, they don’t want to hold anyone back. But they refuse to stay in one spot, literally and figuratively. Stop with the commitment phobia mess, they can surely settle down. That person has to match them though in some way. Losing is not in their vocabulary and they speak that loud and clear.


State Of Mind CapricornCapricorn

Capricorns have high standards in most aspects of their life. Some might call them bossy, high maintenence or “know-it-alls” but they’re strong minded, strong willed and refuse to be anything less. Life for them is about elevation. This is why they admire power and are known to work hard. They’re very chill though and you can have your best times with them. They’ll make you laugh without even trying hard. Not very trusting, you have to prove yourself in a sense so they can weed out the BS. They love super hard and don’t have time to waste on people who don’t deserve it.


State Of Mind AquariusAquarius

There’s much to love about the mind of an Aquarius. If you’ve ever really known one, you can tell they’re smart and calculated. They can be hard to read and they like it like that. You know more about them by being patient. You can never get away with demanding something from them, not gonna happen. They’ll do the opposite just because they can. If they care about you, they consider your feelings but things have to be a two way street. Overthinkers by nature, they can dwell on things for some time. But when the time is right, they can shake it off like nothing ever happened. They like to help people however they can, but play nice. That’s all they ask.


State Of Mind PiscesPisces

Pisces, the last of the zodiac, the one who carries the weight of all the other signs combined. This makes them a puzzle sometimes and completely misunderstood most times. They know how to dig into the mind of anyone though and this helps them tremendously in life. They’re not afraid of doing the work needed to get shit done but encouragement is the glue that keeps it all together. They like to be the “savior”, the one who can make everything ok. But deceit on any scale makes you invisible to them. Blessed with a way with words, they can anything sound sweet. Creative and a daydreamer, they can get lost in their own train of thought. Love is their language, they speak it well to those who are worthy.

Source: The Zodiac City;

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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