Shhh! THIS Is Your Deepest, Darkest Secret According To Your Zodiac Sign…


Outside our home, we are all loving, correctly adjusted human beings. But all of us, deep inside, have secrets. We are hiding these secrets so deep that sometimes even we are not aware of them.

Each Zodiac sign hides a secret from the outside world. Here are the deepest ‘darkest’ secrets of the Zodiac signs:

Aries is actually soft. As bold and as tough on the outside, deep down, you’re a real softy. You secretly crave love and attention. And sometimes, you’re too damn shy to admit to the fact that you want people to be around you 24 hours per day. You also refrain from expressions of love (unless you’re really secure in your relationship), lest you put someone in the position to play around with your feelings.

Taurus doesn’t really trust anyone. When put in the spot, your past experiences can have you feeling quite insecure and distrustful. Once you’re sure of the person you want to spend your life with, however, you give them your all – including your trust!

Gemini is extremely cautious. While you do trust, it’s with caution. There are only a handful of people you genuinely trust. But you also fear that they may break it and use your insecurities against you. That’s one of the reasons you rarely open up to people.

Cancer is afraid of being vulnerable. You don’t want anyone to play with your feelings, that’s why you constantly keep them hidden from the world. You want people to see you as a sorted-out kind of person, and you’re willing to do anything to keep that reputation intact.

Leo hates other people’s egos. If there is one thing you can’t stand, it’s someone else’s ego. You may never say it, but you really like being the centre of all attention. You love basking in the glory of limelight, and that’s not something you’re willing to share easily!

Virgo is an extreme over thinker. It may not always come through, but a billion things are running through your head at any given point of time. With a lot of thinking, comes unwanted assumptions as well! Mostly, things aren’t as bad as they are in your head. Just go with the flow, we say!

Libra is terrified of being alone. Your biggest fear is being alone! You always want to have people around you or have that special someone by your side to motivate you at all times. You will never tell people your insecurities, but deep down, you hope that they understand your need.

Scorpio wants to keep a safe distance from everything and everyone. You have a poker face, and you’re not the kind of person to interfere with people’s lives. You observe and only lash out if provoked. It so happens that you know a lot about what’s happening in other people’s lives, but hardly anyone knows what’s been up in yours. C’mon, it’s okay to open up and share a bit!

Sagittarius hates to commit. The only thing that upsets your otherwise-happy life is people trying to force commitment on you. You may love your partner to no end, but when it comes to him putting a ring on it, you get the heebie jeebies. Flight is your first reaction if someone tries to put a label on stuff – you’d much rather take your own time over it!

Capricorn runs away from any situation that might get their flaws to be revealed. You’re a perfectionist – and that’s the side of your personality you want people to know. It’s okay – everybody has imperfections, you just need to come to terms with yours!

Aquarius always feels a bit disconnected from others. Even if you’re surrounded by a group of people, you still feel disconnected. You try to make an effort to understand what other people are saying, but sometimes you get too caught up in your own world.

Pisces fakes a strong surface hiding a delicate heart. You are a powerful person. However, under that strong persona lies a delicate heart. You’re not the kind of person who lets people in easily. You trust a few close friends only, but remember that sometimes it’s fine to let your guard down.

Source: Popxo;

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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