Release The Pinched Nerve In The Lumbar Area (sciatica) – 2 Simple Ways To Get Rid Of The Pain…


If something puts pressure on a lumbar nerve root, then it may result in pain in certain parts of the sciatic nerve. For instance, a herniated disk, degenerative disc disease, spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, or any other vertebrae abnormality can put pressure on this nerve.

Sciatica is characterized by leg pain, weakness, numbness or tingling sensation, which occur in the lower back, through the buttock and all the way down the sciatic nerve found in the back of one leg.

Unfortunately, the pain can be too severe and continuous, so that it can contribute to difficult movements. In addition, the pain can worsen during the night; after hours of sitting and standing; coughing; sneezing; or stress.

The conventional sciatica treatment includes taking specific painkillers prescribed by a doctor. But, in case you start practicing a few simple exercises for muscle stretching along with the standard treatment, your terrible sciatica pain will disappear after a while.

Here Are 2 Simple Exercises that Can Help You Get Rid of Your Sciatica:How to Release the Pinched Nerve in the Lumbar Area

In fact, we are going to present you simple stretches that are quite beneficial for reducing the inflammation as well as relieving the pain.

In the beginning, you will find it a bit difficult since you should practice the exercises slowly, and increase the stretches while breathing out.

First of all, you should lie down on the floor and then bend the aching leg. Next, try to pull it slightly towards the shoulder. Once you feel the stretch, just stay in the position for about half a minute.

Finally, straighten your legs and take a short break. However, make sure you repeat the same exercise two times.

How to Release the Pinched Nerve in the Lumbar Area 1

Also, the other exercise requires supine position, so lie down on the floor, and bend the knees. Afterwards, try to pull them toward the chest very slowly, but make sure you do not raise the buttocks from the floor.

Then, cross the legs and pull the healthy leg by using your hand. Moreover, stay in this position for about half a minute, release your legs, and return to the starting position.

You should also do 2 repetitions.

How to Release the Pinched Nerve in the Lumbar Area 2

Keep in mind that by practicing these powerful stretching exercises, you can improve the blood circulation and remove the muscle stagnation. In this way, you will definitely alleviate your pain and speed up your recovery.

Originally Published By: Daily Health Keeper;
Source: Healthcare Above All;
– Best, George. ”Sciatica Exercises & Home Treatment: Simple, Effective Care For Sciatica and Piriformis Syndrome”;
– Cunningham, Chet. ”The Sciatica Relief Handbook”;

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