THIS Is How To Send Distant Energy Healing To Anyone…


We are all energetic beings and we all have energy that flows from within and around us.

When we start to become aware of this energy and its potential, we can use it to send healing, good thoughts and wishes to people we care about all over the world.

We all have the ability to do this as long as we are open and confident in who we want to send loving, healing energy to.

Sending energy healing to another is a very powerful tool and is a great way to help others when you can’t be there for them physically.

Here is how to send distant healing energy to another person, animal or plant:

This is how to send distant energy healing to anyone:How To Send Distant Energy Healing

1. Set Up Your Space

Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Try to make sure the space has been cleansed and is free from clutter and other distractions.

2. Quiet Your Mind

Still your mind by taking a few deep breaths and then set your intention for your healing. You may even want to state clearly who you are sending the healing energy to.

3. Build Up Your Energy

To send a positive ray of healing energy, start rubbing your hands together in a circular motion until you can feel the energy building between them. You should be able to feel the energy pulsing from your hands as you slowly separate them.

4. Make an Energy Ball

Once you can feel the energy pulsing through your hands imagine the energy taking on the shape of a ball. You can also give the energy ball its own colour based on the type of healing you are wishing to send:

– Blue: emotional healing;

– Orange: physical healing;

– White: spiritual healing/ general healing;

– Green: heart healing;

– Purple: psychic protection;

Keep focusing your attention on this energy ball, making it bigger and stronger and more powerful with every breath.

5. Send the Energy

When you feel your ball of energy is buzzing and strong, visualise sending it to your chosen person (or animal). You may even want to picture the person you are sending it to receiving the energy and feeling the beautiful healing effects of what you have sent.

6. Recharge Your Batteries

Once the healing energy has been sent, it is important to recharge your batteries by grounding your energy. This could include taking a walk in nature, meditating, having a relaxing bath or simply nourishing your body with some healthy food.

4 important rules to remember about sending healing energy:Energy Healing

– The quality of your healing energy begins with you, so avoid sending healing energy when you are physically ill or feeling emotionally drained.

– It is not necessary to tell the person you are sending healing energy to them, however if you do tell them, it can make them more open to receiving the energy.

– Healing energy has to be sent with love. If you find yourself feeling any negative emotions towards the person you are sending this energy to, stop.

– Whatever you send out comes back to you three times. This means whatever energy you send out into the world will come back to you three time as strong.

Learning how to send distant energy healing is a valuable and special tool that we can all learn to do.

So if someone you know could use a dose of healing energy, why not give it a try.

Originally Published By: Forever Conscious, Written By Tanaaz Chubb;
Source: Gostica;

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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