These Are The 10 Stages Of Awakening Each Person Has To Go Through Before Achieving Enlightenment…


Awakened souls tend to attract each other immediately. It’s easier for them to recognize the vibration of each other during encounters.

If you’re one of these awakened individuals, you quickly notice other awakened souls almost in all places. Some are fully awakened, while others are just starting their own awakening process.

When you notice that others are struggling with their own process, it is your duty to guide them through it.

How does the awakening process work?

Awakening is a continuous process, but there are common occurrences or checkpoints that take place. These events slowly transform a person’s life.

To get a full grasp of the awakening process, you have to understand it in its entirety.

If You’re On Your Journey of Awakening, You Have to Go Through These 10 Stages:The 10 Stages Of Awakening

Stage 1: Restlessness

Restlessness starts to envelop your soul. You feel frustrated and despondent by how your life goes. You feel that something in it has gone haywire. There is that burning desire within to make some changes and take your life back. The idea that your life is your own responsibility starts to come out. You do everything to take it back into your own hands.

You realize that your own happiness is not dependent on people or any external circumstances. Your intention to get your power back, activates your energy, your chakras, and your soul. Awakening has begun the moment you open your eyes.

Stage 2: Epiphany

You begin to see life in a different light. You start to experience ecstatic emotions like bliss, euphoria, and freedom. But despite all this, pain is still present.

The emotions surrounding your past confront you. You begin to ask how you have chosen to live your life. You start to question and challenge everything.

Stage 3: Push and Pull

There is an onset of a tug of war. You are in a dilemma between closing your eyes and opening it. Fear slowly creeps within you. All because you’re not prepared for the consequences should you move forward to the path of awakening. The leap into the unknown is far too scary when coupled with the crumbling of things all around you. Everything starts to be meaningless: your life, your beliefs. You seem to get stuck and bewildered.

You begin to notice that you are walking on shaky grounds that may explode anytime. This is a critical moment because those who continue along this path transform, those who don’t go back to sleep.

Stage 4: Darkness

Everything around you starts to collapse, you find yourself in the dark. But you need to be in the dark to understand more of the light. The state of the world may disturb you: poverty, greed, and even the state of the environment. You wonder why this happened.

The feeling of depression leads you to wonder how you’re going to blend with the society. The desire to be alone, to be with nature, and to be a hermit burn inside you. You feel alone and lost because no one understands what you’re going through. You have nothing to cling to except to seek the answer to this question: “Who Am I?”

Stage 5: Connectedness

You feel that there is no need to change the world. You may change it by changing yourself. You slowly feel the connectedness between you and the world.

Your focus shifts to love and gratitude. You have the urge to research and study spirituality and all things metaphysical. You follow that urges. Your perception of the world changes and you realize you are sent to Earth for a higher purpose.

Stage 6: Synchronicity

You appreciate the interconnectedness of everything: nature, animals, the stars. You feel you are a part of the universe. As your consciousness expands, you start to see the world more deeply and more connected.

With the broadening of your intuition and psychic abilities, the equality and oneness of all things are more plain to you. Synchronicity starts to manifest in your life. You realize that what shapes your reality are your thoughts, emotions, and feelings. You slowly start to shift and change your lifestyle to support this.

Stage 7: Self Authenticity

With this new state of awareness, you feel you are one with the universe. You get more clarity of your purpose. The tangible things you see no longer matter to you. You fix your focus on the greater power of energy and intention.

Your true, authentic self starts to emerge. This authentic self is what walks you towards your higher purpose. And your higher purpose is to share your authentic self with the world.

Stage 8: Higher Consciousness

When you find your alignment with your true, authentic self, ideas begin to fill your mind drastically. You attract abundance through your ideas and creations. Inspiration takes place. You begin to see your destiny more clearly as things start to unfold.

Your life starts to transform. Your experiences and the people around you reflect your state of higher consciousness. The challenges along the way no longer baffle you because you are fully equipped emotionally and spiritually.

Stage 9: Co-creation

As you continue your journey, you realize that you co-create with the Divine. Things get better, bigger, and have more flow when you surrender and work with the Divine. You feel the guidance while you create alongside with the Source energy.

You start to connect with your spirit guides, guardian angels, or your higher self. Your intuition and psychic gifts develop even stronger.

Stage 10: Unconditional Love

You start to be in alignment with unconditional love as your work alongside the Divine progress. You feel you are love, radiate love and feel love. It becomes clear to you that this life is temporary. And it is given to you to experience and enjoy.

You come to understand that the whole awakening process is to make your life easier, more peaceful and a lot secure.

If these stages resonate with you, then you are well on your way to your awakening.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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