These Are The 4 Secret Steps To Access The Akashic Records…


“When we allow our soul to guide us, we are always shown the way.” – Sue Krebs

Akashi is a Sanskrit word which means ‘sky’, ‘space’, ‘luminous’, or ‘ether’. It’s an etymology that encompasses the all-knowing aspect of Akashic Records.

H.P. Blavatsky coined the term Akashic Records which referred to as indestructible tablets of astral light.

What Are The Akashic Records?What Are Akashic Records

Akashic Records or Hall of Akashic Records is like an archive of everything that took place. It holds all the information about the past, present, and future and is accessible anytime.

However, it can only be accessed by persons with these purposes: good and clear intentions, to use the knowledge derived from it to expand the spiritual path and to dissolve persistent patterns of karma. One should not access it out of curiosity, nor undertake it lightly.

When the doors of the Hall are opened, it presents information you would otherwise not find out, like your horrible death in a past life. It may also reveal reasons for the difficulties in the present life or repel certain ‘home truths’.

In the book, Light of the Soul, Alice Bailey stated the records’ difficulty in the following words:

“The life experiences of every human being since time began, the reactions to the experience of the entire animal kingdom, (and) the aggregation of the thought-forms of a karmic nature (based on desire) of every human unit throughout time. Herein lies the great deception of the records.”

The Akashic records also hold an energetic storage of the collective consciousness in its purest form. Tapping into it is quite overwhelming. Maybe because it reveals your specific relationships, your mistakes, and the sins you committed to others that make it hard to take on board.

How To Access The Akashic Records?Steps To Access The Akashic Records

Ask yourself first if you’re ready to know when you have hurt others or to what extent.

When you are ready, take the plunge and follow your intuition.

If you feel you are prepared enough to access and interpret your records, follow these meditational steps:

1. Be clear and have good intentions.

Ask yourself if you’re prepared to face the worst things that may come up, whatever they may be. Take into consideration that you may not be a saint in your past lives.

Next, state your intentions to the universe. Your words may flow like this:

 ‘I wish to access my records in order to resolve my karma and further work towards helping those around me.’

State clearly that you’re ready to do soul work and not merely driven by curiosity.

Another way to prepare is to ask for information that serves the good of the whole and healing for others. If it’s the right and appropriate time, you’ll be given the green light to heal. It will also give you the go-ahead sign to enable you to learn about your life, which in general, also applies to the whole picture and growth of your soul.

2. Be specific with your questions or intentions.

Use a candlelight and get yourself into a meditative state. Do breathing exercises for 15 minutes. When you’re getting near trance, start to rely on your senses to commence the access.

Make sure to frame your questions on learning from the most helpful parts. Like, ‘what was the hardest lesson in my most recent past life and did I achieve it?’ You may also allow the emotions of current problems stir in you and see where it takes you. The questions only serve as guides.

Once you’ve stated your intentions, you’re drawn to images, sounds, or sensations that take you to your past. You may be taken either to the oldest life or the most recent one.

If you trust yourself and let your soul guide you through the life lessons, it’s more likely to be summed up to what is relevant to you.

3. Keep the sessions brief.

When you’re just starting, keep the sessions brief. Later on, as you repeatedly do it, you get a knack for falling into the trance or even aligning with your desired outcomes.

Along the process, difficult ‘home truths’ may come up. Give yourself time. Let it settle before examining it. But try not to deny it, no matter how strange it may appear.

Just trust the process and be gracious. Being ungracious may get you denied the access the next time. It may also show you are unprepared.

When you don’t find anything that resonated, close the ‘file’ for the day. You can come back to it later. It’s an ongoing process that may drain you eventually.

4. Keep the practice.

The more you practice accessing the Akashic records, the more you are showing the universe that you are ready to evolve and raise your vibrations. You may even be ready to uncover your soul purpose.

Even if you start out unprepared to receive your soul’s purpose or life potential, the experience may transform you so much that you advance in leaps and bounds in a very short span of time.

The records may be a heavy stuff, but it does not only open to resolve one’s karma but serves for deep healing as well.

Wherever you may be in the process, be patient and move on. Know that the right things will appear before you when it’s time.

Source: Enlightened Beings;

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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