5 Things Every Emotional Empath Needs To Know Before Entering A Relationship!


To the unenlightened, they may appear to be “burnt-out” or “neurotic.” In reality, something more is going on within them. These sensitive, empathic people are called “emotional empaths.”

They seem to be constantly lonely, seeking a relationship, yet remain single for years. Or, when they find one they continually feel fatigued or overwhelmed.

Emotional empaths have a world of their own. While others enjoy the bliss that togetherness brings in a relationship, empaths find too much togetherness difficult to handle. This causes them to bolt.

Emotional empaths tend to absorb their partner’s energy. This leads them to feel overloaded, anxious, or exhausted and need to decompress in their own space.

Their personal attribute of being a super-responder makes their sensory experience of a relationship an equivalent of feeling objects with fifty fingers instead of five. This leads them to unknowingly avoid romantic relationships for the fear of getting too consumed.

A relationship that is nerve-wracking and portrays a constricted way of living makes them feel overwhelmed. Failing to understand this makes empaths perpetually lonely. They desire a companionship, yet feel unsafe in it at the same time.

The only way for empaths to be at ease in a relationship is to redefine the traditional paradigm for coupling.

Defining their personal space gives empaths their emotional freedom.Emotional Empaths

This means they have to assert their personal space needs and set physical and time limits with their partner so they won’t feel others are on top of them.

If you’re an empath, you give yourself a distance of an arm’s length in a public place. Or you may pile your purse and folders on the seats beside you to keep others away.

We all have this invisible energy borders that set our comfort level. When you know how to identify and communicate yours, it will prevent you from suffocation and will help your intimacy with a partner flourish.

The following tips will guide an empath to be more at ease in a relationship:Things Emotional Empath Needs To Know Before Relationship

1. Be honest with your potential mate.

When you meet your potential mate, share the truth that you are a sensitive person and needs quiet time periodically.

The right partner would understand, while the wrong one would put you down for being “overly sensitive” and won’t respect your need.

2. Be clear with your preferred sleep style.

Generally, partners sleep together in one bed. However, this makes some empaths uncomfortable no matter how caring their partner could be. It’s not personal. They just need their own sleep space.

During sleep, energy fields blend which can overstimulate an empath. Failing to have a good night’s rest is torture. Whatever your preference is, speak up. Discuss the options with your mate because sleeping alone may make non-empaths feel lonely too. If possible make compromises.

3. Be able to negotiate with your square footage needs.

Living together with your lover is bliss. It’s imperative that you experiment with creative living conditions. Your home need not be a prison and must have a mandatory breathing room. Look for space arrangements that are optimal.

Make sure to have an area to retreat to, whether it be a closet or a room divider. Or, you may opt for separate bathrooms or houses.

4. Maintain your space even while you travel.

Even if you travel with your mate, you still need your personal space. Find creative solutions when problems arise.

If sharing a room is the only option, divide it by hanging a sheet as a room divider. “Out of sight” may make the heart grow fonder.

5. Be sure to take regular mini-breaks.

Prevent emotional overload by taking mini-breaks even for five minutes. You may retreat to the garden, take a stroll around the block, read in a separate room, or shut yourself in the bathroom.

All these creative approaches to relationships save marriages and make ongoing intimacies feel safe. Once empaths are able to articulate their needs, emotional freedom in relationships is possible.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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