Man Spent 4 Years Growing A Church From Trees


This impeccably beautiful and enchanting Live-Tree Church is New Zealand’s new sensation.

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Brian Cox, the owner of this enchanting and alluring backyard says that it took him 4 long years to create it.  It took a lot of effort to build something so amazing.Tree Church 3

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Cox started building his dream backyard by selecting specific varieties of trees. Some trees have sparse foliage while others come with stone-coloured trunks.

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This setting ensures his church, an enormous amount of sunlight throughout the year. When asked about his secret, Brian said that he runs a gardening company named Treelocations.

Their expertise lies in replanting live trees from one location to another. They use special mechanized spades to achieve something so mind boggling.

The expertise and technology involved, helped Cox in planting trees in the way he wanted. It took some iron frame as a support system and just 4 years to build his dream backyard.

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Cox got his inspiration by travelling and observing different churches around the world.

He says: “I walked out my back door one day and thought, ‘That space needs a church’ – and so it began. I cleared the area in April 2011 and made the iron frame, drawing on all the research I had done over the years of studying churches,”

Images Credit: Sally Tagg;

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