How You Can Influence Your DNA With Your Thoughts


Humans are basically dual in nature. Our core is made up of light and darkness. But one seeks a home, a place where they feel they must be. This place is within, in the heart center. And you are the whole!Conditioned Duality

We are used to seeing light and darkness as 2 separate things that go against each other, forever at war, one must destroy the other. But this point of view is just our human narrative trying to explain to ourselves these 2 elements.

We fail to realize that these 2 sides, or light and darkness as we call them, are 2 elements of the same thing. They don’t compete with each other, they do what they supposed to do so the thing they are a part of can thrive!

For us, the purpose of each of them seems so contradictory to the other that we can’t help but think they are at war. But that’s just what our dualistic point of view sees.a night and a day happen so life can thrive on Earth

That’s like saying that a night and a day are at war. Both of these occurrences happen so life can thrive on Earth.

We’re conditioned to choose between good and bad, love and hate, better and worse, winning and losing, bigger and lesser, success and failure, etc. etc.

This mind conditioning becomes the seat of our consciousness and cycles into the victim and perpetrator mindset.

This mindset is aggressively obsessed with what is the moral high ground versus what is immoral. We follow a morally correct path over what it is perceived to be immoral without even considering the place where our actions are coming from.

And sooner or later, what we perceive as moral promotes negative results that lead to immoral activity. This happens because we focus too much on not being immoral rather than the reason and intent behind our actions.Looking Moral

We care more about looking moral in eyes of others, or before a higher entity, than the intent behind what we do.

Of course, we are not suggesting immoral behavior, but a deeper examination before we judge. And yeah, not all of us have time to dive deeply behind someone’s actions, but if we didn’t live in such dualistic system that’s integrated EVERYWHERE in society, we wouldn’t have to.

The system that is not based on duality will prevent future immoral actions from happening itself, by not letting others be pushed that far in the first place.

The dualistic system of society, and society itself is what drives many people to make immoral actions, not that this is an excuse because they are still weak in character.

As a result, we don’t really improve as society, we just try to look improved and blame others who don’t fit that description not realizing that most of our actions are what created the actions of the ones we blame.

Within the framework of victim and perpetrator mindset, the two energies of light and darkness could never be integrated into one.

The human interpreter separates them through fragmentation and is unable to see them as one and of the same energy, because what they perceive is either positive or negative.

People don’t realize that both sides are there to serve the whole. So, for example, one would think of fear as bad and have negative emotions whenever they feel it. They would not realize that fear is there to let you know what is possibly dangerous so you will rationally think of a safety plan. And they would run away from fear not realizing that they are running exactly towards what they are afraid of.

So as a result, feelings like guilt, anger, envy, resentment, and anxiety are accumulated in their being. This creates dys-function in the body and in the relationships people have.

These accumulated negative emotions we run away from dealing with can promote further disharmony and disbalance creating various diseases. One example is Cancer which thrives on guilt, resentment, and anger.

But when the interpreter starts to align with both the light and the dark energies as one, the filters dissolve along with the right and wrong paradigm, and the victim and perpetrator mindset disappear.

The DNA field starts to change and allows the greater percentage of it to be activated. Research has shown that in the presence of negative emotions the DNA tightens while in the presence of relaxed emotions the coils of your DNA relax too.

So simply changing the way you think and perceive the world around you can make you more relaxed.

This will relax your DNA coils and that will allow for your DNA to be upgraded. More relaxed DNA absorbs more of the cosmic light our Solar System is showered with.

The vibration instantly changes and no longer allows any disbalance within the body and the external relationships that are dominated by right or wrong framework.

Changes in everything take place, such as in the body, relationships, view of other people, view of the world, and above all, the love of self.

One is no longer preoccupied with thoughts of past pain and future anxiety that are prevailing in right and wrong paradigm. There’s an increase in self-worth as well as an escalation of authenticity.

That’s why a spiritual evolution could be the start of our new evolutionary step as species. Everything gets more harmonious when positive emotions fill your energy field!Everything becomes more harmonious with positive emotions

Once we evolve with our spirit and start perceiving the world through a more uniting and loving mindset, instead of dualistic and separating one, the whole world around us will become more peaceful place.

We will become more relaxed. We will become more loving, feel more love and absorb more cosmic energy.

All of this will result in biological changes of our bodies. And the generations that will come after us will inherit even more loving world. Their DNA will be much different than ours. And so on until humanity is a whole new specie.Humanity Ascending

– Science Alert;
– Heart Math;
– Above Top Secret;

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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