Why Baking Soda Is One of The Greatest Things You Could Use. Here Is What You Didn’t Know Baking Soda Could Do


Big pharmaceuticals would deny outright, the medical capacities of a cheap substance like sodium bicarbonate and its performance that outdoes most expensive medications.

There are mounting evidences suggesting that sodium bicarbonate should be made a universal medication for wide variety of diseases, including cancer and diabetes since almost every healer uses this substance for healing a number of diseases.

Sodium bicarbonate has been widely used for decades now and even by oncologists who believed that the conventional medicines were toxic in nature, after a point.

Sodium Bicarbonate “protects the patients from the toxicity of both chemotherapeutic medicaments and radiation which destroys their kidneys or eventually kills them.”

Sodium Bicarbonate Helps to Save Countless Lives

Baking Soda is showcased as the basic workhorse medicine for which any professional physician and parent should know about, but also as a regular medicine.

When combined with other fundamental, strong substances such as magnesium chloride and iodine, we get the holy trinity of medical heroes to make miracles.

Baking soda is a miraculous substance in times of health emergencies. It is recommended to keep big supplies of it at your home and since it is very cheap, that doesn’t make it a problem.

Even though it is extremely common, the lack of bicarbonate is the most underrated issue. Problems with relative lack of bicarbonate ions take a huge toll on human physiology and more one receives sour, bigger the issue for cell physiology.

Our diet plays an important role in maintaining proper ph level. Our food leads to decrease in pH range and the imbalance interferes with cell activity and function, especially if the pH continues to drop.

Overly acidic pH leads to cell degradation which causes further problems such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, heartburn etc.

Baking soda has an important function of transporting oxygen, dilating blood vessels and releasing oxygen into tissues. This increases the pH value/ alkalinity.

By increasing pH value of urine, crystallization of urinary tract is prevented.

Baking soda, of consumed orally, helps to draw uranium from the kidneys preventing bladder infection, gout, arthritis, and fever. It promotes pancreatic activity. “In the event of nuclear war, the US military recommended baths with 2.5 kg of soda in it, which will protect the kidneys and other organs from radiation exposure.”

It is advised to dissolve half teaspoon of baking soda in water and drink it twice a day. Its recommended that one uses pharmaceutical baking soda because it is free of aluminum.

For better results, combine it with freshly squeezed lemon juice or in severe cases black molasses, maple syrup or honey is most effective.

Quality Methods of Using Baking Soda are as follows:Baking Soda Is One of The Greatest Things You Could Use

1. For medicinal and beauty purposes:

Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar or two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice with ½ a teaspoon of baking soda. Once the foam disappears, pour water over them and drink the solution right away. Black treacle: Mix a teaspoon of molasses with baking soda and drink daily. Maple syrup: Mix it with baking soda in a 3:1 ratio. Heat and later transfer it in a bottle and refrigerate. Take one spoon a day. Same can be done with honey as well. Enema: Mix few tablespoons in a liter and drink every day.

Bathing in water mixed with 2.5 kg of baking soda and 1.5 kg of salt in hot tub is highly recommended for people undergoing chemotherapy and radiation. It also helps remove dead skin, muscle tension and fatigue.

2. Flu:

Dissolve half teaspoon of baking soda and drink it as one dose. First day, take one dose every two hours. Increase the dose as you progress.

3. Bladder:

For the first week have six glasses of the solution on daily basis. One cup should have a teaspoon of baking soda and water. Continue to drink twice a day in the second week. The third week, have two glasses once a day and this treatment last till 21 days.

4. Prostate Cancer:

Mix molasses and baking soda in a glass of water. Drink a glass for four consecutive days. By the same ratio, increase the dose on fifth day. And further add two teaspoons of molasses and soda and drink the solution twice.

5. Insect Bites or Sunburn:

For this purpose, make a thick paste of baking soda and apply onto the painful area and must be rinsed well when it dries.

6. Nail Smoother:

The mixture is made by three parts baking soda and one part water to create a scrub to exfoliate nails. Scrubbing with it will smoothen the nails pretty well.

7. Soda for Home Use:

1. Cleaning the Machine – Put ½ cup of baking soda and see the magic.

2. Fruits and Vegetables – Using baking soda washes away pesticides and make the fruits and veggies fit for consumption.

3. Yeast Dough – Mix equal amounts of baking soda and citric acid or vitamin C. this fastens the process of dough growth.

4. Onion Smell on Your Hands – Rubbing baking soda and water solution works wonders.

5. Upholstered Furniture or Wallpaper – Spraying baking soda solution and letting it working for ten minutes produces great results.

6. Unpleasant Odors in the Fridge – Put half a cup of baking soda in the fridge.

7. Debris on the Pan or Barbecue – To clean off debris on pans or barbeques, use baking soda solution and leave it on for ten minutes and wash off.

Source: Healthy Cures;

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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