The 5 Main Causes That Make Each Lightworker Doubt Themselves And Fear The World…


Every human being goes through episodes of self-doubt, hesitation, and not feeling good enough to do things and achieve fulfillment in life.

Lightworkers and all others who are on the journey of the spiritual path carry these burdens on a more intense level which results in confusion and paralysis. Often, they find these obstacles difficult to overcome.

However, this is always at the core of each one’s awakening.

While we know that, as lightworkers, we’re more attuned to our energies and the interconnectedness of all beings in this universe, we couldn’t avoid the fact that people are also hard on us. We constantly encounter criticisms no matter how much we try to fake ourselves just to fit in the society.

It’s this ‘fitting in’ that we find most challenging to deal with.

Being more ‘awake’ than 99% of the population on this planet means being truly different in genetic frequency, perspectives, and sensitivities.

However, even with our advanced awareness, we are still human. We still yearn to belong, to be mutually understood, and loved.

What brings the most pain is, when our own family members fail to meet us in our current consciousness and turn out to be our worst critics.

Nevertheless, when we understand the things that make us act this way and develop strategies to hurdle the obstacles, the journey becomes easier.

5 Main Causes That Make Each Lightworker Doubt ThemselvesMain Causes That Make Each Lightworker Doubt Themselves And Fear The World

Let’s take a look at the contributory factors of these self-degrading emotions and the tips to overcome them:

1. Seeing the human side of our esteemed mentor or spiritual leaders.

There are people whom we looked up to for guidance and spiritual insights. They could be our respected elders, teachers, mentors, religious institutions, or idols.

When these people are overcome by their human side and intentionally tell us deceptive information or spread disinformation, we start to criticize ourselves for not having seen what’s coming, or for resonating with their philosophies.

We then doubt our spiritual gifts as well as our clarity, judgment, and discernment. This leads to making us doubt our intuition for not seeing the truth and not making a conscious decision.

Tip 1: Be aware of the distinction between intuition and emotion. Just because you’re emotionally attached to this person or philosophy that doesn’t mean your intuition is damaged. In fact, it cannot be damaged. You just might trust it less, or be mislead by another similar emotion like anxiety or fear.

Tip 2: Determine what you’re being told, who told you, why, and why now. Does it resonate with you because it’s convenient? Is it what you expect to hear rather than what you need to hear? What’s the track record of the source? Is it verifiable? Is the message full of fear and confusion, or is it one of inspiration and proactive change? And most importantly, does it resonate with your own truth? If the message has truth in it, it doesn’t matter who the messenger was!

2. Believing things must be perfect.

One pitfall of a lightworker is the idea of perfection.

We tend to visualize how things must go in one or more aspects of our lives, such as parenting, health, fitness, relationships and others.

No matter how we envision positive outcomes, we forget that the way we make those things doesn’t necessarily need to be like we think they need to.

Tip: Remember that your soul is great, vast, and have powerful energies trapped in a limited physical body. No matter how great is your essence, you’re inside a limited mind and body. Instead of feeling frustrated, disappointed and falling short of your idea of perfection, embrace these things. Be aware that these pitfalls are your guides in arriving at your destination and finding your rightful place.

3. Picking up different frequencies.

We live in a world where frequencies of all kinds are scattered: from people, technologies, lunar cycles, solar flares, etc. We pick up on these frequencies and experience bodily symptoms of all kinds, such as headaches, allergies, sleeplessness and many others.

Sometimes, their effect is emotional. They make us feel emotions that don’t quite logically fit in what’s happening around us like anxiety and fear.

We are confused and we start doubting our intuition and even emotional self. We don’t even understand if we’re sick or plain crazy. The more aware we are, the greater the symptoms.

Tip: Keep a record or journal of your feelings, emotions, and symptoms. Write when did it occur and how. Know then if these are truly yours or something that you just picked up.

4. Disconnecting through technology.

Technology plays a big role in today’s society. On our own, we’re disconnected physically from people as we spend more time with this technology.

When we’re with someone for a date, a business meeting or any situation where we feel we could physically connect with others, that’s the time that these people get distracted by technology too.

We long for undivided attention, but when these situations come up we feel unworthy and unwanted. We also constantly see people in social media who seemed to have perfect profiles, perfect lives and totally happy. This adds up to our feelings of self-doubt and self-criticism.

Tip: Be mindful of the amount of time you spend in technology and be as objective as possible. Use technology to keep the most of your human interactions and experiences and better communicate with others in a most genuine way.

5. Being involved in twin flame or soulmate relationships.

Many people in their spiritual paths find themselves involved in twin flame relationships and deep soul connections. While this may appear ideal, others choose to stay in the ‘runner phase.’

The runner phase is the circumstance where one is overwhelmed by the power and connection of the relationship and finds it difficult to handle in mind, body, heart and spirit, making this person figuratively and literally run out of the relationship.

This makes the one who is waiting for resort to second-guessing, feeling depressed, anxious, and angry.

Tip: Bear in mind that these relationships are meant to inspire and strengthen you. All it takes is working it out, tearing you at first, yet building you up in the end. Whether you’ve reunited or not in this earth plane, each one’s energies and connections are pivotal to each one’s journey and purpose.

ConclusionMain Causes That Make Each Lightworker Doubt Themselves

Our society may be harsh, but we are harsher with ourselves, especially lightworkers.

It’s because we all forget that we are not here to save the world. We’re here to save our own little worlds. We may have arrived here a hundred lifetimes, yet every time we’re here we’re forging a new path for ourselves.

Lightworkers may be different from others, yet they are the ones who are insightful enough and visionary enough to make a difference shining with their light!

No matter how much Lightworkers shine with their light, it’s only when we individually find our own light inside our hearts that we really make the world a better place!

Source: In5D;

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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