22 Traits You Are A Spirit Warrior


There’s no right time in history for the new breed of Spirit Warriors to step up, take the center stage and help our chaotic world heal itself.

Reality has to change. This is what Spirit Warriors are specifically called for: to change reality by having the courage to change their own world.

Spirit Warriors fight the battles inside their own being, the battles between good, bad, darkness, light and they meet their own weaknesses with strength.

That’s how they wage the spiritual war that’s been going on for ages. In fact, the war of spirit is the cause of any physical war.

We need to merge our darkness and light to serve a greater good, heal the spiritual wounds we still carry, and find a way to love the hell out of each other!

The world couldn’t expect different results by doing the same thing over and over again.

The spirit war is what we need to heal as humanity in order to make the world a better place. That’s where Spirit Warriors step in.

To know if you’re one Spirit Warrior, check out the following signs:

22 Traits Of A Spirit Warrior22 Traits You Are A Spirit Warrior

1. They create their own reality.

Spirit Warriors are aware that only they have the power to create their own reality. Every person, situation, or circumstance drawn to them is embraced and dealt with. They know they made them manifest.

2. They are fearless.

Spirit Warriors are fearless, not because they’re without fear, but because they’re able to confront and break fear when it comes.

3. They don’t blame.

Spirit Warriors neither blame nor they project their emotions to others. Despite the situation of our world, they’re able to accept the outer mirror created by group karma and work hard in understanding it.

4. They don’t complain.

Spirit Warriors don’t complain or fix any existing pains. They clearly recognize that light enters through the pains, and they can access the path to immortality by the transcendence of the physical. Hence, they welcome every pain.

5. They’re able to let go.

Spirit Warriors are not afraid to let go of people, creation or any manifestation that has served its purpose in their life even if it means moving on from a de-energizing relationship, job or place. The path forward may be uncertain, yet they’re not afraid.

6. They know the distinction between surrender and giving up.

Spirit Warriors know that surrender is aligning with the truth that slowly unfolds before them while giving up is accepting easily anything that happens.

7. They know how judgment differs from discernment.

Spirit Warriors navigate the path between obstacles in life by seeing reality as it is. They know that judging others or any particular circumstance as always the same is condemning it, creating a fixed relationship with it.

8. They’re careful with the word “never.”

Spirit Warriors use the word “never” carefully to avoid condemning a particular situation to a particular fate. They’re aware that “always” may not be permanent.

9. They’re not afraid to go against the herd.

Spirit Warriors are not afraid of going against the herd, even if it means getting crushed by it.

10. They’re not afraid to suffer.

Spirit Warriors welcome suffering and are willing to die for a cause greater than themselves.

11. They know death is just a passage into a new life.

Spirit Warriors fearlessly live their life in the moment knowing that death is just a passage into a new life.

12. They’re honest.

Spirit Warriors are profoundly honest with themselves even when nobody is watching.

13. They’re not afraid of the truth.

Spirit Warriors aren’t afraid of the truth because they know it’s what they live for.

14. They express themselves bravely.

Spirit Warriors aren’t afraid to express themselves regardless of the outcome. Diplomacy and tact are important for them, yet they don’t compromise their own soul. They’re expressing their truth in the most accessible and appropriate way.

15. They’re selfless.

Spirit Warriors are selfless, yet finding the right ways to express that self which is vibrant, alive, full of animation, charisma, color, and expression.

16. They forgive easily.

Spirit Warriors forgive easily. They might doubt themselves that they forgive easily because they are weak to stay mad. But in reality they are strong to see that there are far more important things than wasting their time with revenge or staying mad. Evil intent doesn’t exist for them. It’s intent based on weakness rather than strength as they see it. And even though they forgive, they do not see through what happened. They learn from it without the poison of negative emotions.

17. They understand the difference between making no effort and commitment to a cause.

Spirit Warriors are aware of the difference between non-efforting and commitment to a cause. While it’s essential to let go of attachments and struggles, it requires commitment, patience and perseverance to unite darkness with light.

18. They know when to put down and when to pick up things.

Spirit Warriors know the right thing to do in the right time.

19. They live in the moment.

Spirit Warriors live their life on a day to day basis, moment by moment. They’re so attuned within themselves, asking inspiration on what to do and how it’s done.

20. They’re open to synchronicity.

Spirit Warriors know the real purpose behind synchronicity. They’re open for revelations in the moment not allowing the ego to interfere with it.

21. They allow others to commit mistakes.

Spirit Warriors allow others to find their own way and to make mistakes along their path. They’re there to support other’s journey without imposing their own on issues that may arise.

22. They fully understand the nature of love.

Spirit Warriors know that unconditional love overcomes separation and unites everything.

Welcome the Spirit Warriors!Spirit-Warrior

Spirit Warriors come from all walks of life and all ages. They are beings who no longer want to stay silent, instead they join hands and find the common thread of oneness.

They rebel against the old fashioned fight of duality by not choosing a side, but uniting both for the greater good. They rebel by healing their own spiritual wounds. They rebel with love!

They muster all their courage to face the challenges even if it means facing their own fears.

Spirit Warriors are committed to untangle themselves from the chain that bound them to the lower paradigm.

And they will do whatever it takes to express themselves and hide no more because they are tired of the same old mistakes the world makes. They know that it’s enough.

We have to stop pointing fingers and heal ourselves. There is no hero that will save us, so we have to be our own heroes!

Source: http://www.openhandweb.org/;
Featured Image Source: Awakening People;

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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