7 Things You Should Never Tell To Anyone


This world, even though it depends on truth, still needs balance. Some truth it’s better kept unspoken!

That’s why, some of the wisest people that ever lived warn us to keep our mouths shut about certain things.

Here are the 7 things you should keep only for yourself!

7 Things You Should Never Tell To Anyone:Things You Should Never Tell To Anyone

1. Your long term plans.

Wise people warn that you should never reveal your long term plans to anyone. Wait until they are realized.

Our plans and ideas are not just vulnerable, they also get stained when we reveal them to other people. They can’t see the image we see.

2. Your good deeds.

Good deeds are graceful and rare in this world. They should be kept as pure as your eyes.

Bragging about your good deeds eradicates the grace and shines a light directly onto your pride.

3. Your asceticism.

Whatever you are consciously depriving yourself of, avoiding alcohol, physical pleasures, certain food, or other types of indulgences, is meant solely for your character.

Don’t live your life so that you can tell others about it. Everybody has their own way of doing things, as well as their own choices.

Do what makes you happy. Revealing your asceticism to others steers your intent from becoming a better person, to appearing as a better person. It’s not for self discipline anymore.

4. Your heroism.

Wise people say that a real hero comes silently, from the inside.

Heroes do what they do not so others would know, but because THEY know what is the right thing to do deep inside their hearts. They believe in their cause and they don’t need to get approval from anyone.

Most heroic acts are outer, and people acknowledge these acts, they worship them. But inner acts of heroism are what always prevails. Inner acts of heroism create real heroes.

5. Your family problems.

What happens inside your family, the moments you share with your significant other, your private life, all that should remain private.

You should have consideration about other people’s privacy. The details you know about your family members and your partner, you know them for a reason. You are close to them.

Others who might be close to you, are not close to them. Don’t break these “walls” without their permission. It’s like borrowing a toy from a person who trusts you and giving that toy to someone else to play with it. It’s not your toy to give.

6. Your secrets and unpleasant facts you know about other people.

The same way you can make your shoes dirty, you can make your consciousness dirty.

Talking bad and gossiping about others stains your consciousness, and these stains later become negative energy.

It’s wise to leave out these details as they won’t help anyone, neither you, neither the people you speak of.

7. Your past resentments.

Past is past. Let go of it, it just weighs you down.

You should express your thoughts and feelings while something is happening.

But if you miss that opportunity, there is nothing else to do afterwards except letting go. Otherwise, you will always be one step behind, never being in the moment where you can actually make a difference.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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