7 Ways You Can Attract Positive Karma In Your Life


The sentence “You reap what you sow,” best described what karma is.

Generally, it is the energy that we are sending to the universe and is coming back to us.

Every action holds certain karma and we can’t always control what we are doing. Even when we suffer the consequences of our mindless actions most of us cannot find the pattern between our actions and the situation.

It is always best to be mindful of the intentions behind our actions to avoid negative consequences or bad karma.

To have a good karma, there are certain things we can do under our power.

7 Ways You Can Attract Positive Karma In Your Life:7 Ways Attract Positive Karma

These seven ways of attracting good karma not only will improve ourselves but will also help us in being mindful of others:

1. Focusing on your life goals.

Focusing on your life goals is one way of attracting good karma.

When you are more focused on your life goals, distractions have less power over you. The more you are focused, the more you are likely to succeed.

But you also need to take a break once in awhile. This allows you to breathe and makes you more creative once you get back to what you are currently working on.

There may be some failures along the way, but they are more likely designed to push you to do the things rightly. Failures carry lessons that help you improve certain aspects of your life.

2. Connecting to the world within and around you.

When you connect to the world within you and around you, you are more aware of what’s going on in the present moment.

Dwelling on the past or the future will rob you of your precious time.

While focusing on your goals brings you to a future success, living in the present moment helps you achieve your greatest potential.

Being in the present and living to the best that you can be, make you feel connected and attract good karma to come into your world.

3. Taking responsibility for your commitments.

Taking responsibility for your commitments is one sign of maturity and could bring you good karma.

There are times when lapses in your actions are inevitable. You are still evolving and making mistakes is part of it.

When you take responsibility for your mistakes, you are doing the right thing. Not everyone can do that.

Claiming your mistakes as your own makes it easier for you to correct them and move from them.

4. Learning to laugh at yourself.

Making mistakes truly feels humiliating. Yet, humility is one great way to achieve good karma in your life.

When you are able to laugh at yourself over some silly mistakes, it is easier for you to take criticisms from others.

As mentioned earlier, failures are your yardstick in improving yourself. It points you to the necessary improvements you need to take.

If there are negative comments from others, you should not take them ever so seriously.

Instead, learn to laugh at yourself and be willing to take a joke every now and then. It lightens up your journey a bit.

5. Being patient with yourself and the world.

Being patient and tolerant with yourself and the world also help you achieve good karma since not everything will go the way you expect it to be.

There are some things that require a lot of patience, especially success. You can’t always have the thing you desire at the exact moment you want to have it.

As the saying goes, “All good things come to those who wait.” When you wait patiently, you already know what comes next.

6. Practicing small acts of kindness.

Mark Twain nailed it perfectly, “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”

Practice small acts of kindness to others as well as to yourself. When you are kind to yourself, others also feel it. Loving yourself first is the first stage of loving others.

Being kind to yourself makes you genuine unto others. You may fool people with a fake smile but not yourself.

Being kind to yourself means doing the things that can make you happy.

The more you are kind to yourself, the more natural you become in treating others with kindness.

7. Being comfortable and open to change.

When we have perfectly designed the future according to how it fits in our plans, facing changes is difficult.

Change is not what we are used to. Change is an unfamiliar territory that we hate to even take a glimpse because we are all afraid of the unknown.

Yet, it’s only in going out of your comfort zone that you are able to feel comfortable with change.

Embracing change brings you good karma because it opens your mind to your expansion and to a wide array of better possibilities.

Like a butterfly that just comes out of a cocoon, you are only able to spread your wings after going through a lot of changes in your life.

Try to incorporate these practices in your life and see how amazing good karma can be!

Source: Gostica;

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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