Don’t Rush! Stay Single Until You Meet This Person…


If you are single and worry that you will never find someone, this piece is definitely for you.

Nobody is perfect, you might have known this too well. But it doesn’t mean that you are apt to meet someone who is about to cause you pain.

Even more, just because you are not perfect it doesn’t mean you should settle for anyone. Nobody is perfect but perfection has nothing to do with love!

Finding the right person for you is worth the wait. In fact, it’s necessary.

The point of life is not just to find someone so you are not alone, but to create a union where both of you are better just by being together. You cannot do this with anyone!

In life, each person you meet holds some cosmic reason for being there. Some people come to give you life lessons, some to strengthen your vulnerable heart.

Yet, there is this person who is destined to arrive in your life and give you happiness like no one ever could. You should not expect others to make you happy, but some people just do!

This person is the one worth the wait. You are a worthy person and you deserve to meet the right one.

Stay Single Until You Meet This Person:Single Until You Meet This Person

When the right person comes, they’ll bring you the following experiences:

– Heals any lingering pain from the past they did not cause and makes you forget it.

– Shows you what a genuine love is without any confusion or pain.

– Makes you feel confident in yourself and in the relationship as well.

– Teaches you how to trust someone other than yourself.

– Calls you as promised and texts back, without making you doubt them.

– Respects you and treats you better than anybody ever did before.

– Makes you sleep better at night because they are beside you.

– Makes you miss them even before they go.

– Says exactly how they feel about you without clouds of fear or doubts.

– Introduces you to their family and makes you feel a part of it.

– Connects with you in a silent dialogue when they look at you across the room.

– Makes you feel better on your bad days.

– Makes you feel whole in their presence.

– Redefines what you thought love was in the past.

– Gives you the assurance that they want you in their future.

– Makes you see the next 50 years by looking in their eyes.

– Makes you feel how much you are loved every time they whisper, “I Love You.”

– Fights for the two of you even when you might be fighting each other at times.

– Makes you become better as a person.

– Makes you think of them every time you hear a love song.

– Makes you treat them as your best friend, your better half, your Soul Mate.

The right one is the person you can’t imagine what your life was like without them, or what life would have been like if you hadn’t meet them.

If this person hasn’t crossed in your life yet, just wait. Work on yourself but do not rush to be in a relationship just so you are not alone. When the right one comes, it will all be worth it!

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