10 Easy Steps to Train Your Brain to Let Go of Bad Habits


Letting go of bad habits comes easy once you understand how neural pathways are created in the brain.

Our nerve cells have superhighways called neural pathways that transmit messages. The more you travel over the superhighway, the more you solidify the pathway.

Activities like eating comfort foods for a longer period is forming a pathway in the brain.

The good news is our brain is constantly changing which makes it easier for us to forge new pathways and create new habits. This is due to our brain’s neuroplasticity which allows anything to be possible.

People who have previously suffered from strokes have the ability to retain their brains to keep functioning again by building new pathways. Anyone has the potential to learn new behaviors and attitudes that can transform their lives.

Whatever habits you wish to learn, as long as you have the will to do it, you’re able to build a new pathway and reprogram your brain. The following are the easy steps to do it:

10 Easy Steps to Train Your Brain to Let Go of Bad HabitsSteps to Train Your Brain to Let Go of Bad Habits

1. Recognize the habits you wish to change then set your intention.

Identify the old habits that no longer support you. Then set your intention for it.

The intention sets everything in motion. When your intention is high, you are bound to create new pathways in your brain.

2. Observe how your old habit or pathway affects you.

Lok at your emotions, your thoughts and the way your body responds to the habit. Then see the result that you desire to create.

Be aware of everything that’s going on inside of you. Be your own witness.

3. Consider where your focus is and shift it.

Shifting your focus is crucial in creating a new neural pathway. Normally, your focus falls on your old habits.

Take that focus off the old habits and let your focus fall on new ones. Stop paying attention to the comfort foods you used to crave and instead take your awareness to the wholesome foods that can make you healthy.

4. Strengthen your new habits with the use of your imagination.

If you find it difficult to replace old behaviors with new ones, use your imagination. Imagine the new behaviors over and over and over again.

Do this while taking a bath, walking the dog or while driving. The more you repeat the new behavior in your mind, the more you are likely to create new pathways.

5. Be aware of your thought patterns and interrupt it when old habits arise.

Building new pathways in your brain takes patience as you cannot instantly erase everything your brain learned.

When you notice that your falling in the old thought patterns, look at it and say “no” or “cancel.” Redirect your thoughts on the new behaviors you want to happen.

Keep doing that until you form the new habits.

6. Apply aversion therapy.

Aversion therapy does not work for everybody. But if you think it’ll work for you then use it.

For example, you’re addicted to candies, chocolates and everything sweet. It’s this old habit that you wish to change.

Every time you see this stuff and are about to be tempted to get one, tell yourself: “It’s junk and will definitely make my body sick.”

7. Specify what you want to do and create a plan.

Getting specific is making the new neural pathways official. Design a plan on what to do and how to do it.

You can choose to exercise instead of eating or eat fruit instead of candy.

If you feel affirmations and anchors can reinforce you in this endeavor, then feel free to do it. You may use, “I’m free” or “I’m in control.”

8. Take advantage of the obstacles.

When obstacles get in the way, take advantage of them and transform them into something useful. Look at the old habits from a different angle and see what you can get out of them.

Handle your stress in a manner that’s advantageous to you. Look for all the possibilities.

Incorporate the new ways of looking at your emotions and thoughts in the new pathway in your mind.

9. Seek inspiration and support from your Higher Source.

Look for your inner guidance. Once you feel the power within you, you feel powerful enough to do your mind work.

Meditation is said to create new pathways and brain changes. Studies had been conducted on monks’ brains to show how meditation affects the neural circuits of the brain.

10. Transform and make the shift.

Once you are ready to take the shift, it’s easier for you to transform and create new brain pathways. Just keep on believing that you can do it and you’ll eventually let go of the bad habits and embrace the new.

As our world is starting to take a spiritual shift, flow with it and do what you can to make yourself better able to cope with this shift, as well as guide others in their own journey of creating new neural pathways.

Source: Conscious Reminder;

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