9 Ways To Clear Your Energetic Field And Balance Your Chakras


We are multidimensional beings. Just like this Universe we have many layers and dimensions. Our physical body is one and our energetic body is another.

Energy itself has different levels based on the density of its vibration. Depending on the level our energy vibrates on we perceive it differently.

Through The Universal laws of sacred geometry our energy separated itself in 7 main energy centers.

Each center is another level we consciously associate with different things. In reality, it’s the same energy it just vibrates faster as it goes higher.

These energy centers are what we call Chakras!Ways Clear Your Energetic Field

The 7 Chakras in our body are the centers where the life energy flows through:

– The Root Chakra which represents our foundation and feelings of groundedness.

– The Sacral Chakra which represents deeper connection and our ability to accept others.

– The Solar Plexus Chakra which is our control center and represents our confidence.

– The Heart Chakra which represents our ability to love.

– The Throat Chakra which represents the way we communicate.

– The Third Eye Chakra which represents our ability to focus and see the bigger picture.

– The Crown Chakra which is the highest and represents our spiritual connection.

When all these chakras are fully aligned, we experience wholeness and balance.

But if some of these energy centers gets blocked, it prevents our energy from flowing smoothly. This shows up in lifestyle problems, body pains or even health issues.

Just like showering our physical body, this body of energy needs proper hygiene. If it gets too dirty, it functions poorly and requires clearing or cleansing.

9 Ways To Clear Your Energetic Field And Balance Your Chakras

To cleanse your energetic field follow these easy to do tips:

1. Exercise.

While exercising can give you that beach body, its benefits go beyond that. Exercise gets your blood to circulate properly, resulting in a smooth flow of energy.

2. Eat like a vegan.

Give additional consideration to your nutrition and the kind of food you put inside your body. They say, “You are what you eat,” which means eating healthy foods will keep you healthy.

Eat first hand organic foods that are closer to the sun, just like vegans do. They give your body the required nutrients and demand less energy to be processed.

3. Speak positively.

Positive affirmations not only can brighten your mind but can be good to your aura and chakras as well.

Have you caught yourself speaking ill of yourself or others? If yes, then you might probably know how gloomy that one feels. Your aura feels the same too.

To keep that positive vibes flowing, give an extra effort to focus on thinking and speaking positively.

4. Spend time in nature.

There’s no other place where your energy is cleansed ultimately than in nature. Nature absorbs all those stressful and negative energies while keeping you relaxed.

So, when you’re feeling down or energetically drained, try a walk on a sandy beach or a beautiful forest. It might do the trick.

You can even go on with walking barefoot as the contact of the Earth’s surface keeps all your body systems to function optimally.

5. Rest.

Keeping your body well rested keeps your aura healthy.

Not having enough sleep or having tired body results to a shrinking of your aura. When you feel less energetic during the day, taking a nap is a great help.

6. Swim in a natural body of water.

Dip your body in a lake or sea water. Swim a little. Let that natural rejuvenation wash all the negative energy and energetic blockages from you.

Natural bodies of water neutralize negative energy.

7. Meditate.

Meditation helps in clearing your energy systems, leaving you energized, calm and recharged. It opens up the chakra and floods the aura with fresh and pure energy.

8. Listen to classical music.

Most classical music is written through math and sacred geometry. Listening to such flow of notes clears your energy field through vibration as it speaks the language of The Universe.

9. Go to a Reiki master.

Find someone who practices Reiki healing and ask them to clear your energy field. They will evaluate what chakras are clogged and clean them directly through your energy body.

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