3 Partners You Might Mistake for Your Soul Mate!


Your soul mate is that special someone you agreed to meet before you come into this world, some would say.

However, this doesn’t mean that they will come into your life exactly when you want to.

You have to go through many obstacles, challenges and self development before the two of you will finally resonate as strongly to pull each other together.

To complicate things even more, many people will come into your life and they will seem to be the right one.

In case your gut is not as precise, watch out for these soulmate lookalikes that most people assume were their real soulmates.

3 Partners You Might Mistake for Your Soul Mate:3 Partners You Mistake for Soul Mate

1. Normal crush that we all experience.

Having a new crush makes you feel excited and inspired. It gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling as if this person is someone really special, almost magical.

You start feeling the butterflies in your stomach. You are emotion drunk.

As you look for signs, you notice that you have mutual interests and even the same tastes and opinions on many different subjects.

But all these things don’t mean that this person is your soulmate. We tend to justify what we want to believe in by finding proofs for that belief while filtering out everything else.

Wait until your initial emotions or feelings will settle. A real soulmate is beyond similarity.

They don’t have to like the same things as you do. A real soulmate makes you feel like both of you are a perfect fit despite logical proof.

In fact, you don’t even bother looking for a proof, you just know!

2. Opposite attraction.

You might be one of those people who gets attracted to the person exactly their opposite.

And at first it will seem like they are there to teach you something, to change you, to expand you. It might be really fun and exciting, just like with a soulmate.

That’s completely normal, both of you can learn so much from your differences. You can always find something in each other that keeps you from getting bored.

On the other hand, being with someone whom you don’t have anything in common will cause a difficulty in the relationship as the days pass.

Besides, you don’t want to be with a person whom you can’t be comfortable with, and if that’s the case they are not your soulmate.

Your soulmate will always make you feel comfortable to be open about all your passions and interests. They do not care if it’s opposite of what they are interested in.

With your soulmate there is no opposite, the fire between you makes everything a whole.

3. Family projection.

There are times when you are swept by the influx of your emotions that you follow your heart without any second thoughts. And you might be right.

But sometimes, what we feel and what we assume is the reason for the way we feel can be 2 very different things.

Very often, the person most people call to be their soulmate is in fact an idea of a soulmate their parents have implanted in their belief system when they were young.

Other times people are attracted to someone who reminds them of one of their parents.

They either want to make up for an emotional negligence they had with their parents, or that’s the only real love they recognize in this world. So they project this idea and reconstruct a similar relationship.

But a real soulmate is not conditioned by any idea. A real soulmate is someone that resonates with you beyond the model of your belief system.

So, if you are on the lookout for your soulmate, be always aware and keep in mind that not everyone who comes is the right one.

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