Eliminate These 12 Bad Habits to Grow Further In Your Spiritual Journey


Embarking on a spiritual journey is not as easy and shiny as it sounds. That’s why we need to make things as smooth and as easy for us as possible.

It means you have to let go of all the things that are not helpful to you in your spiritual quest.

Some of these things are the bad habits that you have been accustomed to. These habits become obstacles in your journey.

That’s why you need to eliminate them. If not, these bad habits will become an extra baggage on your journey that will just make things harder.

Besides, you could not transform yourself into something new while operating in the same old way. If you want to grow than you will have to update.

Here are the common bad habits we all get accustomed to in our life. Try to eliminate each of them.

You’ll see how your journey becomes smoother and easier without each of them.

Eliminate These 12 Bad Habits to Grow Further:12 Bad Habits In Your Spiritual Journey

1. Having self-limiting beliefs.

Self-limiting beliefs include defining yourself in a certain way that you could no longer see any room for improvement.

If you see yourself as a mediocre person, you tend to act that way because you believe that is what you are.

That’s how you limit your possibilities as well as the divine spark of The Universe within you. Stop defining yourself. Open yourself to becoming.

2. Seeing your job as your life.

Just because you spend more time in your job than on the things that make you whole, it means your job is your life.

If this is the case, who would you be, if today or tomorrow or the next day you would lose your job?

Your job title has nothing to do with who you really are. You are more than your job. Once you see yourself that way, your life will have more meaning.

3. Having yourself as your own worst critic.

While it’s good to evaluate yourself and your actions from time to time, criticizing yourself for the things that you committed wrong is not healthy.

Be constructive in your criticisms with yourself. Stop when you sense you are judging yourself wrongly. Instead, focus on how you can improve yourself.

In fact, that’s what criticism is for, to point you where you should improve and what you should learn from, not to belittle you.

4. Feeling anxious all the time.

Anxiety is not only harmful to your body but to your spirituality as well. Too much anxiety is likely to lead to depression.

It’s okay to feel anxious when your work is about to be evaluated because this means it’s important to you. Make sure you have done all you can to give your best.

However, feeling anxious all the time is not good.

This will prevent you from seeing things as they are and will harm your spiritual connection.

Let anxiety go by accepting that some things are outside of your control. Focus your energy on the things that are. That’s all you can do anyway.

5. Listening to your ego.

Your ego is always there to feed itself. It wants to stay the same, defined and protected. It doesn’t care about your growth whatsoever.

If you allow your ego to have the final say, you will not grow.

One sign that you listen to your ego is when you take things personally and have other’s opinion of you penetrate in your mind and emotions.

Don’t push your ego away because it is not your enemy. Just acknowledge its presence but never listen to it.

Give your focus on things that can make you a better person. Listen to your soul instead.

Let others have their opinion. Besides, they have all the right in The Universe to have their opinion, it’s their opinion and not yours.

You focus on your own opinions and your personal growth.

6. Holding on to guilt feelings.

You are an imperfect person just like anyone else. You may have made a decision that hurt others or yourself badly.

It’s alright to feel bad for these things because it means you realize the mistake in those decisions. But this doesn’t mean you have to feel bad about yourself forever.

Feeling bad will lead to guilt. And feeling guilty doesn’t solve things.

The best thing you can do is make amendments. Ask for forgiveness. And learn from your mistakes so you won’t repeat them.

However, if some of these mistakes you do repeat, it does not mean that suddenly it’s ok to feel guilty even more.

The same applies here too: make amendments, ask for forgiveness, and make even more effort to learn. From there aim to be more wise and kind the next time.

7. Being comfortable with procrastination.

It’s okay to think things over once or twice before making a decision. But using your overthinking to procrastinate is not ok.

You will be hurting your productivity and missing important opportunities.

At times, it’s more helpful not to think things over, instead do it right away. Of course, only if those things are not extremely dangerous or really important for your life quality.

8. Surrounding yourself with the wrong company.

Be aware of who you surround yourself with.

As it has been said: “If you hang around five idiots, you will be the sixth. If you hang around five broke people, you will be the sixth. If you hang around five confident people, you will be the sixth. If you hang around five millionaires, you will be the sixth.”

Makes sense, doesn’t it?

9. Seeking validation from other people.

We all seek validation from others, especially when what we feel is quite uncommon. But when you seek validation from others to make you feel good about yourself, it’s no longer healthy.

Constantly seeking other’s approval is denying the greatness in you. It means you are giving others the right to tell your value instead of yourself.

Others have known you much less than you have known yourself. So no one has the right to validate you rather than you. You may not be the best, but you are the best at being you. Focus on yourself and your growth.

10. Dwelling on the past.

If the past still haunts you, it may mean there is something in the past that you need to go back and heal.

Healing is the only business you will ever have with your past.

Let go of regrets. Accept what took place. Learn the lessons. Heal yourself. Then move on.

11. Having too much attachment to things.

One lesson that can help you most in your spiritual journey is the art of letting go. Letting go is detaching yourself from the material and immaterial things that you have.

Learn to slowly detach from your possessions, your guilt, your ownership of people’s attention and time.

Realize that nothing is permanent and that material things, even many immaterial things, are temporary. Enjoy their presence, but do not attach too much.

However, another trap many people fall into is the attachment to detach. They try to detach and let go of as many things as they can not realizing that they are attached to the act of detaching.

Some things are worth holding on to, even though they are temporary in nature.

12. Failing to give value to time.

Time is our most precious asset on earth. Give your time more value by spending it on activities that make you grow, whatever they may be.

In spirituality, the most precious time is the Now. When you make your every Moment counts, you are well on your way to your spiritual journey.

Come to the present moment and realize that that’s the only moment that truly exists, the only moment when you truly exist. Stay present and in the now.

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