The First Detail That You See On This Image Reveals Unconscious Secrets of Your Personality


We all look at the world through different eyes. Hence, we all live in a different reality.

The way you see things is much more than just the mold that creates your reality. It reveals key secrets about you that hide inside your unconscious mind.

This test is just one of many that reveal what the things that catch your attention the quickest tell about you.

However, I love this test because it’s not complicated. It separates the world into 3 basic categories and each of us belongs to one of them. These categories reveal how you approach your existence and what’s your strategy for self realization.

Why is this important? Because EVERYTHING we do in life boils down to one of these 3 categories!

This image is the perfect image for this psychology test because it gives the right subliminal message about life and living. Your focus and perception tell the rest of the story:

Look at This Image! What’s The First Detail That You See On This Image?This Image Reveals Unconscious Secrets of Your Personality

Do not think about it, just go with your intuition!

1. FaceThe First Detail That You See On This Image Reveals Unconscious Secrets of Your Personality - Face

Just like the face on this image, you build your character like a puzzle.

You don’t look for yourself, but rather, you try to create yourself. You want to show yourself to the world.

You try to excel at different areas and put them together like pieces of a puzzle to construct the ideal image of yourself.

You collect various different Character Pieces that you put together to create this image.

These pieces can be actual (outer): clothes, looks, accessories, property, social circles, friends, even partners that paint the image that you want to project;

or abstract (inner): accomplishments, experiences, values, mastered talents and memories you use as tiles to construct the character you identify yourself to be;

But you might try to build your image to perfection and this can be counterproductive as perfection is an illusion.

Your approach for self actualization is outward. You start from your essence and you materialize it into an image through various different elements.

You want the world to see the real truth of who you are.

There’s nothing wrong in the approach you take, but make sure your main purpose is not chasing approval from others.

2. Brain/TreeThe First Detail That You See On This Image Reveals Unconscious Secrets of Your Personality - Brain and Tree

Just like the tree on this image, you desire to consistently grow your knowledge.

You are really curious. You try to learn and understand as much as possible of the world. Everything you do is because you are looking for knowledge.

You love learning about new things and explore different topics. It’s most likely that you are a fan of supernatural phenomena, conspiracy theories and mysteries.

Others would describe you as someone who is knowledgeable in many different areas.

You easily understand psychology and psychological concepts. If you were born a couple of thousand years in the past, you would have been a philosopher, without a doubt.

But every single piece of information that you take is intended for a bigger purpose. The bigger purpose of everything you are trying to understand is to find the cosmic truth.

The information you collect is put together and closely examined, like detectives do on a pin board, in order to link things together, find the answers and solve the mystery.

Your approach for self actualization is inward. You start from the outside world and you absorb as much information as you can so you can come closer to the truth and find the answers you are looking for.

You could not care less of how others perceive you, all you want is to find out who you really are and what you are doing here. That’s your greatest mystery.

There’s nothing wrong in the approach you take, just be careful not to lose yourself in the process. You are not the answers that you find, you are the one who asks the questions.

3. Birds and NatureThe First Detail That You See On This Image Reveals Unconscious Secrets of Your Personality - Birds and Nature

Just like the birds on this image, you do not feel like a part of the game society tries to play, or let’s say the image society tries to paint.

You do not try to create yourself, nor find yourself. You just want to be free to be yourself and experience the world.

You do not feel like you fit where you are at the moment. You would rather travel and explore the majestic world.

You do not like to stay at one place for too long. The understanding that everything is momentary just amplifies your anxiety and desire to try different things.

You do not take things very seriously. You love to party, have fun and just be crazy from time to time.

You love being surrounded by nature. Your heart fills up on the sole thought of exploring new exotic places around the world.

You value experience over any knowledge. You absorb information and materialize different elements, but nothing stays for too long. It’s there until it serves the purpose of creating the experience and then you let go. You move on.

Your approach for self actualization is radiant. It’s a mix of inward and outward with emphasis of going forward. As you beam forward like a photon of light, unchained and dual in nature, you learn more about yourself and project more of yourself.

But your main purpose is to realize yourself and experience the world. You don’t really care about how others see you, or what’s the cosmic truth. You feel like a traveler on a vacation who is there just to explore and have fun.

There is nothing wrong with the approach you take, just make sure you do take proper care about your relationships. Even though nothing is permanent, the only time you will find substance in your purpose is when you build and take care of something that will not last forever.

Image Credit: Igor Morski;

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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