The 4 Key Reasons Why Your Twin Flame Can’t Recognize You


Meeting our Twin Flame is one of the best things that one can experience in life. It’s like finding your long lost home after eons of looking for a place to belong.

But, what if our Twin flame doesn’t recognize us? What if they can’t recognize the timeless bond you two have?

It’s like you know who they are, and you know you belong together, but they just fail to recognize this in them.

Before you give up and tell yourself it’s all just an illusion, take a time to pause and think things over. What you feel is real. And why this happens is not your fault.

There are a couple of reasons why this Twin Flame Blindness can happen. Here are the key reasons why your Twin Flame is not recognizing your bond!

The 4 Key Reasons Why Your Twin Flame Can’t Recognize You:key-reasons-twin-flame-cant-recognize-you

1. The timing is not right.

Timing is very important in Twin Flame relationships.

When one of the twins isn’t prepared to enter into the relationship, no matter how much you try, they are unable to recognize you.

Both partners should be prepared to make the relationship work.

Give it time. If you are Twin Flames you will find each other in the future when both of you are ready.

And, oh, it will be worth it.

2. Nature is currently working with them.

Nature molds people in the way they can become the best version of themselves.

The reason why people are unable to recognize the love and devotion others offer them is because something inside of them prevents it.

They still have to work on some issues within themselves that could potentially destroy the relationship if it happens immediately.

They have to work hard to become their best selves and be prepared enough to recognize their Twin Flame in the right time.

When they face their fears and heal their nature to be the best version of themselves, they will be ready to see clearly.

3. Bad experiences bring out the best in them.

Humans learn the most from bad experiences. Certainly, you are not the person designed to teach your Twin Flame the difficult life lessons.

Your Twin Flame has to learn their lessons alone and in situations where you are not a part of.

The pain, scars, and brokenness might be the polishings they need so they can become the person who can invest in your relationship.

From this darkness, their light will be illumined and it’s then that they are able to see you with fresh new eyes.

Your presence might serve as a breather, comforting, and healing. And then they start to recognize true love and would vow to themselves never to let you go.

4. You are given the opportunity to improve yourself.

While waiting for your Twin Flame to recognize you, you have all the time in the world to improve yourself.

You might need to improve your personality, attitude, mindset, and anything that you find is preventing you to be your whole self.

You don’t have to wait for destiny or fate to make your Twin Flame recognize you. You also have to do the inner work of making yourself attractive to attract the one you love.

And if you want to attract your Twin Flame than being the real you is the strongest magnet.

if they can’t see your light, shine brighter! It only takes time before your Twin Flame would ask how come they didn’t see you in the first place.

Source: Spiritual Unite;

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