Proof That Your Body is A Universe by A Planetary Unity Grid Activator!


When we come across the terms ‘Divine Consciousness’, ‘unified field’ or even ‘multidimensional perception’, we don’t have to go so far from home to understand what these seemingly far-reaching ideas mean. We just have to spend a little more time observing nature.

Our coherence with nature and the natural world is one of the most important connections that we, as humans, have. Nature serves as a botanical bridge, offering many clues to our true reality as part of a self-sustaining unified field.

Proof That Your Body is A Universe

Likewise, Earth’s connection to the sun and to our solar system is one of the most important connections our planet has. Our sun’s connection to the galaxy is one of the most important connections our solar system has. Our galaxy’s connection to The Universe, and beyond, is one of the most important connections our galaxy has. The connection of Our Universe with the mysteries beyond is one of the most important connections Our Universe has.

All forms of life are wholly interconnected and coherent. Without this multi-level, coherent interconnectivity, nothing would exist. Yet, each entity is also a single organism.

This also applies to our own bodies. We are like the living cells in the body of the cosmos. We inhabit a living universe, reflected by the most fundamental characteristics of our body’s biology. As is the smallest, so is the greatest.

Our scientists have confirmed that a single cell is a complete system, as is the brain and the entire body. Every single system is driven by feedback loops and sustained by homeostasis. It continually self-organizes.

A Universe

We are presiding over an entire ecology, and like planetary ecology, our body responds to all that nourishes it to maintain balance and harmony.

By going inward and deeply communing with your body, you can know The Universe more intimately. In fact, the more that you explore and experience your own body universe, the more that you can understand the unified field around you as it unfolds in the form of reflections in your daily life.

Your body is an entire ecology that has the ability to bring about accelerated biological evolution. This is done through the increasing coherence that you have with your total self, with attuned loving thought given to that ‘totality’ of self. This is one of the main keys to unlocking the powerful ability to self-actualize into anything you want to be.

About The Author:
Tiara Kumara is a multifaceted facilitator whose humanitarian work has profoundly assisted countless lives in consciousness awakening and transformation. Her accomplishments include several dedicated years of planetary unity grid activation and the training of tens of thousands of people in remote energy transference on mass scale. She is the founding producer of I AM Avatar and several educational experiences purposed to initiate and empower the soul’s evolution. This is her website where you can find more of her work. You can check her facebook page if you like reading about similar topics!

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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