Yearly Archives: 2017

Single Until You Meet This Person

Don’t Rush! Stay Single Until You Meet This Person…

If you are single and worry that you will never find someone, this piece is definitely for you. Nobody is perfect, you might have known...
Jim Carrey Interview

Here is What Jim Carrey Really Wanted to Say in His Latest Interview

If you don't know by now, Jim Carrey lives a highly spiritual life. He became obsessed with painting and sharing inspirational knowledge aiming to...
16 Spiritual Signs Your Soul is Ready to Transcend

16 Spiritual Signs Your Soul is Ready to Transcend to Higher Realms of Existence

We are all spiritual beings. As we evolve and raise our consciousness, our spiritual awakening heightens. In this awakening process, how fast or how slow...
The One Biggest Difference Between Spiritual Path and Spiritual Journey

Here is The One Biggest Difference Between Spiritual Path and Spiritual Journey

Have you used the terms spiritual path and spiritual journey interchangeably? If yes, then you don't have to interchange them in the future because...
3 Metaphysical Reasons Why Time Seems to Speed Up

3 Metaphysical Reasons Why Time Seems to Speed Up and Its Consequences

If you're one of many people in the world who feel like time is speeding up you might be onto something! People across the globe...
Picture Reveals Your Unconscious Fears

The First Thing You See On This Picture Reveals What Your Unconscious Mind Fears...

Fears are part of your experiences that you have no control over. Your unconscious mind stores all your memories, experiences, beliefs, skills, and images...
7 Traits Deep Thinker

7 Traits You Are a Deep Thinker

In the past, mulling over profound things, big ideas and questions was left to the philosophers. Today, the modern-day philosophers are usually theoretical scientists, writers...
Psychic Power According to Zodiac

This is Your Secret Psychic Power According to Your Zodiac Sign

As we evolve our consciousness we become more aware of the hidden psychic powers that we each have. Our psychic powers are based on our unique...