The 6 Obstacles That Get In The Way Of Reaching Your Goals and How to Overcome Them


So, you’ve set all your goals and visualize hard enough to ensure they will come to pass. However, things don’t always come the way you planned or expected them to be.

Obstacles do come up when you least expect them. But, what about the things that prevent you from even starting with your goals? They, too, are obstacles that must be cleared and win over.

Bear in mind, though, that the obstacles to reaching your goals might not always be coming from the outside. It can also come from the inside.

Let’s take a look at these common obstacles and find ways to tackle them so that achieving your goals would be very much possible than the way you expect them to be.

The 6 Obstacles That Get In The Way Of Reaching Your Goals:6 Obstacles Reaching Your Goals How to Overcome Them

1. Giving more weight to ‘considerations’.

‘Considerations’ are the thoughts that quickly come up every time you set a new goal for yourself. They’re the voices that tell you why your goals aren’t worth it or why it’s impossible to achieve them.

For example, you want to increase your income the following year by starting with a new business. Seconds after formulating that goal, inner voices start to speak:

– I don’t have enough time to do that.

– There’s no way I can do that.

These ‘considerations’ push you to the rationalization why you should not attempt to follow your goal.

Overcome it by: Allowing considerations to surface

Acknowledge every negative thought that pops up your head. They’ve stayed in your subconscious for so long waiting to come out. Let them surface.

You’re able to face them more effectively when they’re acknowledged. Then move on to achieving your goals.

2. Listening to your fears.

Fears are unreal thoughts that appear real. When you listen to them more often, they’ll present you with false evidence that are quite convincing.

– What if I fail?

– What if my family won’t support me?

There’s no successful person in this world who did not feel fear when they started. You feel the fear because of your great desire to succeed.

Overcome it by: Acknowledging your fears.

Accept the fact that you have these fears within you. Fears can be used in a positive way: they can push you to set realistic and achievable goals.

Acknowledge these fears and move past them.

3. Allowing roadblocks to stop you.

Roadblocks are the obstacles that aren’t internal. They’re outside of your control. They’re the physical things or circumstances that actually prevent you from moving forward.

– Your partner withdraw their partnership in your business.

– You’re short of finances for your new business.

Roadblocks can come so suddenly they may catch you off guard. They can certainly stop you if you allow them to.

But when you see roadblocks as obstacles given by the universe so as to test you how badly you want to achieve your goals, you will handle them differently.

Overcome it by: Having the will of a child.

Children have a beautiful way of not taking obstacles too personally. If they want something, they will do everything to get what they want, the way they want it.

They’re creative at figuring things out to the point of negotiating with their parents. Act like a 5-year-old and find ways to overcome your obstacles. The universe will lead you if you really need it badly.

4. You’re running out of time.

Time is one of the resources that could be limited when you set a specific time for the completion of your project.

While you might have started on the date you want to start, unavoidable distractions may hinder you in having your project completed on the target date.

– Your mother called up and ask you to come over for a week or two to help her take care of your sick father.

– The supplies and materials you ordered for your new business didn’t arrived on time due to difficulties in transportation.

Overcome it by: Changing your time frame.

Even if everything is set in your plan including the team who is going to work with you in achieving your goals, you have to adjust everything in it.

You need to adjust your time-frame as well as inform your team for the changes in your plans.

5. Committing a mistake along the way.

Before you embark on your new project, everything is carefully laid out. The steps to take are carefully planned and the details are specified, so your off and running.

However, halfway through you’re informed that you missed on something. There are certain aspects of your project that you don’t know exist.

– You need to have a thorough knowledge of your new business undertaking, the ins and outs of it.

– You need to enroll in a crash course to gain the necessary background needed in your business.

All of this means you need to spend more time, money, and effort to have your goals achieved.

Overcome it by: Owning your mistakes.

Mistakes and lapses do happen to humans no matter how careful you are in each undertaking. Realize that no one is perfect and mistakes do happen.

6. Setting your goals too high.

In a new research conducted by E. A. Arens and colleagues (2018) of the University of Heidelberg, it shows that the dangers lie not in failing to achieve your goals but in setting them too high and then not adjusting when circumstances get in the way of your “best-laid plans”.

Overcome it by: Adapting to changing circumstances.

In this study that was labeled as “The Perils of Aiming Too High”, the German researchers seek to examine the role of depressive beliefs in the goal-setting process.

The authors said that if you’re good at adjusting your goals based on how well you think you’ve been doing, it means you’ve got the ability to adapt to changing circumstances that could protect you from feeling depressed.

The research team further added: “A key aspect of developing and maintaining an adaptive goal is the ability to make a realistic assessment to what extent the current behavior meets the objectives set”.

There you have it. Don’t be afraid to set your goals whatever they may be; but never forget to assess your capability, not aiming too high, but keep on adjusting on how well you performed.

This could mean setting your goal in small chunks until you’re able to set big goals that you’re sure are achievable and are able to tackle with confidence each problem that may come up along the way.


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