9 Psychological Secrets To Make Yourself More Attractive


There are people who possess a charisma that is so hard to resist. Something deep within them tells they’re more than their looks.

Most of it is not an innate nature they’re born with, rather it’s a personality they have nurtured within themselves.

The good news is, you have the ability to nurture these qualities within yourself too and make yourself equally attractive.

Psychologists have discovered the secrets of these attractive people.

9 Psychological Secrets To Make You More Attractive:Psychological Secrets Make Yourself Attractive

1. Cultivating self-awareness.

Self awareness is the knowledge you have of yourself. It’s knowing your strengths and your weaknesses without any judgments of yourself.

When you’re self aware, you know where you’re standing on. You’ll treat yourself with respect and people will treat you the way you treat yourself.

You easily figure out what you want and communicate this knowledge to others in a clear manner.

Being self aware, you’re able to develop a strong posture, good conversation skills, and a genuine smile. With this, your presence will have its mark on the people’s minds and they find it hard to easily forget how you made them feel.

2. Having big goals.

Goals are what fuel people to do their best and keep moving on. If you have one, people will tend to gravitate towards you because they can’t resist the positivity you have.

They can see that you’re not only a dreamer of larger than life dreams, but also know how to find your way in fulfilling them.

No matter how impossible your dreams may appear, if you continue to charge forward with a strong conviction that you”re able to make it, people will admire you for that.

3. Having confidence.

Confidence is not a goal to be achieved, rather it’s the fruit of small and constant wins over yourself. The more you know you’re able to do a thing, the more confident you’ll appear.

People will see this as greatness within you.

When you’re confident, you wouldn’t feel envious or jealous of other’s achievements because you know that you’re also being great in your own way doing your own thing.

You’re taking authority of your actions. Having confidence doesn’t mean you’re not afraid or feel nervous, you do have these feelings. Only that you’re sure you can handle the situation and are able to pull it through.

4. Never complaining.

Complaints are signals that say you’re not being happy with the world and with yourself as well. It’s a kind of defense mechanism people use to validate their reason for not being able to do a thing right.

You seldom hear attractive people complain. All because when challenges arise, they see it as opportunities for more creativity and a test of their problem solving skills.

They’re able to find ways on how to make things right. Or, if things are out of hand, they let go without complaints and look for other things that are worthy of their time and effort.

5. Using the right body gestures.

Even before you speak, people start to read you through your body movements. First impressions or snap judgments are often based on your looks and body language.

A fidgety movement signifies discomfort or lack of confidence, so is not looking at the other person’s eyes in conversations.

You’re likely to make a great first impression when you offer people a warm smile while you look at them in the eye in conversations. This creates a connection that makes people feel that you acknowledge their presence, in which case a reason for them to love having you around.

6. Being a great storyteller.

Sharing stories and experiences are also a great way of attracting people to you. When you’re able to weave your story in an interesting manner, people tend to get hooked on you.

To be interesting, you don’t have to appear comical. It’s being your genuine self communicating your ideas and stories in a clear and captivating way.

This is a skill you can learn to master, and one that allows for better social interactions.

7. Focusing on one.

Whether it be your goals or a person, focusing only on one thing is necessary. A lot of people nowadays couldn’t resist from looking at their phone from time to time even when they’re speaking with someone.

Though they may not be aware of it, it’s a rude act. People have also other things to do, but they’re there with you for some reason.

It’s not proper to break the momentum you have with other people due to unimportant distractions.

Looking away or looking down while talking to someone is equally unattractive.

But when you give someone your undivided attention when you’re with them, you’re not only making a connection, you’re making yourself attractive too.

8. Learning to listen.

Listening is a skill. Pretending to listen while your mind or eyes are somewhere else doesn’t make up for a good conversationalist.

Remember, attractive people are good conversationalist who not only speak well but listen greatly too. Being able to listen attentively is a skill you can develop once you learn how to focus on the person you’re talking to.

Listen to not only speak but to understand as well.

9. Be a mirror of other people.

Being a mirror is being on the same page with the other person. When you’re out with someone, show interest in their hobbies and interests without faking it.

For example, if their hobbies or interests are your pet peeves, never drop the subject just because you hate it. Instead, allow yourself to step on their shoes and be curious enough why they like a certain thing.

This way, you’re not only being a good company but are learning a lot too. People can teach us in so many ways. And we can only learn when we’re open to what others have to say.

All these tips are not difficult to learn when you plant these within you like seeds. You only need to constantly water it, nurture it, and give it sunshine untiringly.

From time to time some weeds may grow, pluck them out while their roots are still new.

In the right time, you’ll just be surprised how your relationship with yourself and with the world will expand that much. Most of all, people seem not to get enough of you.

Source: https://themindsjournal.com/9-psychological-tricks-to-attract-people/;

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