10 Strange Signs Many People Around The World Start Showing


Many people from all walks of life have been reaching out to me with questions and complaints about strange signs they’ve been experiencing on and off, sometimes feeling like they are “losing their minds”.

The signs usually go on for a couple of weeks at a time and then subside, reoccurring again in correlation with cosmic and solar activity and people’s individual readiness to move to the next level.

Below is the list of signs majority of people and clients report to be presently experiencing, many reporting exact same phenomenon.

10 Strange Signs Many People Start To Experience:Strange Signs People Around The World Start Showing

1. Technology malfunctions when you come near it or touch it.

Lights flickering, computer crashing, Internet going out, cell phone shutting down or dropping calls, etc.

2. Weird sleep patterns, strong need for extra sleep and naps.

Passing out and waking up at strange hours, needing extra long sleep time, needing naps, none of which they usually do.

3. Unfamiliar eating patterns.

Loss of appetite, sudden quickly passing cravings and inability to figure out what you want to eat. Cravings for lighter high vibrational raw foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, being turned off by the smell and even the thought of any meat and fish products.

4. Hearing strange sounds.

People are reporting hearing the same kind of buzzing “metallic/mechanical” yet somehow really pleasant “otherworldly” sounds and also a hum that reminds them of “sounds of the spheres”.

5. Intensified senses, especially the sense of smell.

Strong sense of smell especially during night time hours feeling that you can smell every object in your room with your eyes closed.

6. Heightened sensitivity and awareness of everything around.

Feeling like the character from that movie “Lucy” or like an alien with super sensory abilities.

7. Being out of focus as if being inside a movie, especially during motion.

Sensation like being inside a movie and watching the road and everything around you “on screen” while driving or walking.

8. Enhanced ADD like symptoms.

This is translated into the inability to focus on one subject, an avalanche of thoughts flooding your mind all at the same time, pulling your attention in a million different directions all at once.

9. Extra fast healing of the body.

Cuts, bruises, allergies, hives, etc. all disappearing at incredible speed. What used to take a week to heal now takes about a day, bruises fading away almost instantly, cuts closing up, cold symptoms barely noticeable and passing in a day or two.

10. Time lapses and dilation, loss of sense of time.

Being able to observe “in real life” how flexible time really is.

Do you experience any of these signs?

Inspired by: https://www.consciousreminder.com/2018/02/21/25-strange-symptoms-people-showing-around-world/;

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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