10 Ways How To Fight Depression Without Taking A Pill


Nowadays, more and more people are prone to depression not because they’re lonely but mostly because of the external triggers they’ve exposed themselves into.

The social media, the news, people’s opinions, and other things have the ability to lower our vibration.

If you’ve not grounded yourself well, most likely, the low vibrations you picked up around you will cause you to feel slumpy and ‘depressed’. This is a situation you must not ignore since a lot of people weren’t able to rise up from this quagmire they’ve fallen into.

There is always a way even if you feel you no longer have the willpower to raise your vibration. Instead of persuading your mind to get motivated, simply do the following suggestions below and slowly raise your vibes.

Ways To Fight Depression Without Pills:How To Fight Depression Without Pill

1. Stay away from technology.

Most often, the updates you pick up from the world are negative ones. It takes an ample amount of effort to sift the good ones from the bad.

For this time, avoiding technology is a wise thing to do.

2. Take a break from social media.

Depression has this nasty trick of making you feel more miserable every time you see happy people. And lots of these happy people are found in your social media feed, enjoying themselves or posting kinds of stuff.

Likewise, studies show that an increased engagement in social media is directly related to depression and anxiety.

While you’re still not on your feet, take a break from this social media outlets.

3. Seek the company of a friend.

Don’t sulk in your depression alone. Seek the company of a friend because they’ll surely understand what you’re going through and are able to be there for you.

The presence of a friend is enough to lift up your mood.

4. Spend time in nature.

As nature is full of healing energy, when you go out there and bask yourself in the glory of nature, rest assured you’ll feel better.

Nature will not only energize you but calm your mind too.

5. Keep your body moving.

Whatever form of physical exercise you want to do, as long as you perform it at least 20 minutes a day, it will surely boost your mood.

Moving your body keeps your blood circulating, which makes you feel more energized and on the go.

6. Set a time for meditation.

Meditation is the best way to calm your nerves and ease up your mind. If you find it difficult to concentrate, you can try guided meditations on Youtube.

Or, if someone is available to help you in starting your meditation practice, take advantage of their help.

7. Spend time with your pet.

One way of helping people with anxiety disorders is by assigning them therapy dogs. It’s because animals are innocent and compassionate creatures who possess loving energy.

Cats are even said to absorb negative energy from people. If you have a pet, try cuddling them and allow them to cheer you up.

8. Take deep breaths.

Deep breathing also alleviates the heaviness that you feel.

With every inhale, imagine positive energy entering into your body. With every exhale, see all forms of negativity getting out of your body.

Repeat this several times and notice the difference.

9. Be grateful.

Think of the people or things you have in your life. Be grateful for having them.

Gratitude will shift your focus to the things that you have and provide you with increased positivity. Studies even show that gratitude leads to better psychological and physical health.

10. Extend random act of kindness.

Go out into the street and give a stranger your smile. Or, go to your neighbor and offer help of any kind if ever they need it. Donate some of your things.

Helping others will give you an instant high because when you make yourself useful, you feel you’re making a difference in your own little way. And nothing can compare that.

So, every time you’re feeling down, tell yourself it’s not meant to put you down; rather, it’s the universe way of telling you to recalibrate your vibration by doing the things above.

NOTE: We strongly recommend that you consult a professional psychiatrist because in some cases taking a pill is necessary. However, if you combine it with these 10 ways you will tackle depression from both sides and significantly increase the chances of getting rid of it. If you want to get a Life Coach right now, get on a free consulting call with us by writing at [email protected] and sharing your story, so we can contact you and schedule a call for coaching.

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