7 Beliefs That Show You’re A Completely Emotionally Healthy Individual


The beliefs you strongly hold tell much of yourself, whatever they may be. But this doesn’t mean just because you don’t have all the beliefs suggested here, it prematurely denotes you’re not emotionally healthy.

We all have our own struggles. This list serves only as a guide to the path of emotional stability.

While there’s no rigidly definitive list of healthy beliefs, this list offers the better ones practiced by an emotionally healthy person. If you only have a few of them, practice learning the others because health in every aspect of life is a necessity to living life fully.

7 Beliefs That Show You’re Emotionally Healthy:beliefs-show-emotionally-healthy-individual

1. You believe that you are capable of love and are worthy to be loved.

You know deep within you that you are able to love unconditionally. This can be seen in your relationships, in the happiness and satisfaction you get from all the relationships you have in your life.

Loving others is not difficult for you because you know that you are worthy of love too. You know you don’t have to do anything or prove anything to earn the love of others.

This is because you love yourself first, thus others don’t have difficulty loving you. Besides, love is the best emotion to establish a deeper connection with others.

When there’s connection, life is meaningful.

2. You believe your own capability.

The key to measuring your own capability is experience. The more you experience doing things, the more you know you’re able to do it.

When faced with seemingly impossible tasks, you don’t limit yourself by saying you can’t do it. Instead, you test your capability by simply doing it.

By pushing yourself a little, trying new things, going to new places, or meeting new people, you’re gradually increasing your power, making yourself unstoppable.

3. You believe laughing at your own mistakes is cool.

Taking yourself too seriously only means you’re bound to beat yourself up everytime you commit a fault. But when you’re able to laugh at yourself, you’re telling yourself it’s okay to make mistakes.

You’re well aware of the fact that you can’t always have it right the first time. This also shows that when others fail, you’re not there to judge them nor belittle them for their failings.

By being able to laugh at yourself and acknowledging your own vulnerabilities, doing the right thing when given another chance is easier.

4. You believe that everyone deserves to be respected.

In the movie Harry Potter, Sirius Black put it more accurately: “If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”

A lot of people holding big titles fail in this area. Not because you paid someone to do things for you, it’s okay to treat them differently from that of your colleagues.

Money doesn’t stand for respect. They’re just simply two different aspects of life because respect buys a lot more in the long run.

The way you treat the people you meet daily, such as the bus driver, customer service representatives, janitor, and others say who you really are. Thus, be mindful of how you interact with every person you meet.

5. You believe in flexibility and adaptability.

They call it rolling with the punches. It’s how you respond to challenging and difficult situations.

Emotionally healthy individuals are willing to adjust their sails when the wind is working against them. Even if it means changing plans and strategies, you do so just to move forward without giving up or being inflexible.

The situation may push you to get mad, sad, or freak out. But you acknowledge your emotions by handling them the best way you can.

Instead of flying into a rage or having a drinking spree, you watch a movie that lightens up your mood or lock yourself in the room for a time. After feeling better, you change the things that need to change and life moves on.

6. You believe you can do things even if you don’t feel like doing them.

In Psychology, this is called mood independent behavior, that is, you do things you don’t feel like doing. You do things not because you feel like doing them but because you need to do them.

Most often, when we feel lazy, we stay on the couch all day and watch TV. Or when we’re not in the mood to work, calling in sick is an option.

However, when you put your behavior first, especially when you know you get pleasure in doing that thing in the past, your mood will catch up.

For example, if you feel like not working out, changing into your workout clothes and hitting the gym will pump up your energy.

This little trick also works in facing fears. You’re only able to gain confidence when you get out of your comfort zone and face your fears.

The feelings of fear are just temporary. When you face old fears more often, it no longer looks scary every time you face it.

7. You believe you can stay the course.

Staying the course helps you develop two attributes: grit and self control.

You found grit when you stay the course long term. It’s sticking to something in order to get what you want. It’s having to study late hours at night to earn your degree or having to bring your own snacks to avoid sugary foods and take back your health.

On the other hand, you have self control when you’re able to stay the course short term, which means resisting temptations.

It’s keeping your cool when the customer is ranting or sticking to your diet plan by saying no to a delicious chocolate your friend offers you.

There may be times when you fall prey to temptations or instant gratification. But what matters is you keep exercising your grit and self control. Like muscles, they are built through constant exercise.

These two attributes are needed in staying the course because it’s only when you stay the course that you can establish a strong relationship, the right career, or have an amazing health.

Source: https://upliftconnect.com/seven-beliefs-of-emotionally-healthy-people/ By Ellen Hendriksen;

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