The 6 Types Of Most Intelligent Cognitive Thinking Modes And What Type Are You


You don’t have to be highly intelligent to be a good thinker. In fact, some highly intelligent people are considered poor thinkers while some people of average intelligence are found to be skilled thinkers.

The famous psychologist Edward de Bono explains intelligence is an innate ability that is either inherited or acquired in early childhood.

According to him, thinking skill enhances knowledge and the more it is developed, the more you’re able to make good use of limited knowledge and ability.

De Bono reveals the human brain thinks in a number of distinct ways, which directly challenges the brain.

He identified six different cognitive modes that are rooted in six different kinds of brain processes or brain regions.

De Bono called these the Six Thinking Hats that represent a different style of thinking and include six distinct directions and which are assigned to different colors.

Using these six techniques in your thinking processes enables you to see the whole picture of things.

The 6 Types Of Most Intelligent Cognitive Thinking Modes:the-6-types-of-cognitive-thinking-modes

Technique 1: White Hat

This technique focuses on facts and figures and operates in a neutral and objective way. You look at the available information while identifying gaps to fill or taking them into account.

Background information, analysis, and historical trends are highly considered.

Technique 2: Red Hat

The Red Hat technique is the emotional part of the reasoning. It gives way to feelings, intuition, and gut reaction.

As a thinker, you acknowledge your feelings and that of others and observe how these feelings influence the thinking process.

Technique 3: Black Hat

The Black Hat is how the cautious thinkers think. You approach the situation with caution and give consideration to what could go wrong, including what doesn’t fit, what may not work, or what is wrong.

By recognizing the value of caution and risk assessment, there’s a big chance to avoid fatal flaw and wasted resources.

Technique 4: Yellow Hat

The Yellow Hat is the optimist, focusing more on values and benefits. It makes you the positive and constructive thinker.

Technique 5: Green Hat

The core of this technique is creativity, new ideas, and change. You look at all sides of the ideas from new to an alternative to possibilities or even modify and improve the suggested ones.

You put more value and time on the creative effort.

Technique 6: Blue Hat

This technique lays out the overall plan that includes control, management, organization, and detailed instructions. You organize the other hats while assessing priorities and listing constraints.

According to de Bono, you can learn these cognitive modes through appropriate practice, despite being more comfortable with some modes than others.

But if you want to develop new cognitive patterns and enhance your thinking skill, you could stretch out yourself a bit.

What Type Of The Six Hats Learner Are You?

People have different styles of learning. To support this, the six hats are being used in the classroom with the purpose of enhancing the teaching methods as well.

Even if you’re no longer in the classroom, you still can point out what type of learner are you.

Upon knowing your strengths, you can check out the areas where you believe need more practice.

White Hat Learners

These learners are logical and analytical, like facts, figures, and theories. They’re objective about ideas and like to do research on their own.

They read books, prefers to work alone, and perform well in academic subjects.

Red Hat Learners

Red hat learners are emotional, instinctive, love debate and discussion.

They’re in touch with their feelings and show deep concern for the environment. They like participating in lectures, working in groups, and show strength in practical subjects.

Black Hat Learners

You find these learners cautious and practical, worrying whether the costs will outweigh the benefits they can get.

They learn more from real world examples and get to explore ideas from working in groups. They excel in practical subjects and demonstrations.

Yellow Hat Learner

As yellow signifies the optimist, these learners are upbeat and see the positive sides in all situations.

They’re group oriented, supportive of their groupmates, and learn from real-world examples. Practical subjects and demonstrations are also their forte.

Green Hat Learner

These learners approach learning in a creative and innovative way. They enjoy puzzles and problem-solving, think outside the box, and seek alternative ways to solve a problem.

They love practical exercises that challenge their ability to see in different points of view.

Blue Hat Learner

Because blue hat learners are holistic in their approach, they can be effective leaders. They like lectures or exercises with a clear overview.

They have a strong visual preference and could be rule oriented.


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