10 Spiritual Powers You Inherently Have Since Birth But Most Of Us Choose To Ignore


If human beings only know how spiritually powerful they are, human suffering wouldn’t be an issue. Only that people tend to chase another kind of power, that which makes others their slaves.

But, to desire power over others is futile because, in the long run, when the tides turn as they sometimes will, it is this very power that will cause it’s holder’s ultimate downfall.

What humans should be aware of are the powers that they inherently owned but failed to give importance. These powers are a given, and when used fully, wouldn’t make other people as slaves but would liberate them, instead.

All we need to do is cultivate these powers through constant practice and application. The process isn’t easy because more than discipline, it requires commitment and focused intention.

Once you have mastered it, you not only become spiritually powerful but act as a light who will guide others in finding their own spiritual powers.

10 Spiritual Powers You Inherently Have Since Birth But Choose To Ignore:spiritual-powers-you-inherently-have-since-birth

1. Your inner voice

You have an internal voice that serves as your inner guide and warns you when something isn’t right by making you feel uneasy.

Others call this inner guidance gut instinct or intuition.

Listen more to this inner voice because this can only be enhanced by thorough practice.

2. Your inner peace

There is inner stillness inside each and every single one of us.

Once you find your inner place of peace you can go there to recharge whenever you like.

The best way to discover this place within yourself is through meditation in a calm and relaxing place, like a beautiful sit spot or a park.

There is power in solitude, especially when you’re out in nature.

By being alone, you’re able to think clearly and recharge yourself in the process.

3. Your ability to control your breath

The shortest way to relieve your nerves of stress is by taking deep long breaths.

Doing this for several minutes relaxes your mind and calms your soul.

When you’re calm, you’re able to vibrate higher and able to face anything that stands in your way.

4. Your gaze

Have you tried gazing at someone and having them look in your direction? It’s because there’s power in your gaze.

There’s even called a ‘power gaze’, a gaze you can use when you want others to give you a favor. It’s a gaze where you maintain an eye contact with the other person without blinking and without appearing aggressive.

The secret is in keeping the eye contact longer and reducing your tendency to blink.

5. Your ability to connect with others

You are given the ability to connect and communicate with others. It’s a power most often ignored by people who have difficulty opening up with others.

Use this power to reach out to your friends and loved ones. Having them by your side increases your personal power too.

You can’t have one close friend if you can’t become one. Everybody needs one close friend to share with the ups and downs of their life.

And when you’re powerless at times, they could be the source of your power.

6. Your capability to give

You can always give these 3 things to others:

Your kindness, your smile and your labor.

You can reach out to others by offering yourself as a volunteer to some kind of selfless endeavor. A homeless shelter or an animal shelter will benefit much from it.

Doing things that benefit others is a great way of increasing your energy and perceiving yourself in a different way.

Without a doubt, you’ll feel much better after helping others out.

7. Your ability to choose

You have the power to choose. This is much bigger than you realize. In fact, solely this spiritual ability is enough for you to start living the life you want.

You do not have to settle for things you don’t deserve. Don’t do things just because others prefer to do it. Do things because you love doing them.

The more you do the things you love doing, the more powerful you’ll feel.

William Ernest Henley says, “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul”. There’s no greater power than that.

Owning your power is liberating. Don’t allow others to run your life. You alone hold the power over it.

8. Your laugh

The famous adage “laughter is the best medicine” is timeless. Because it actually works.

There’s power in your laugh that the more you share it with others, the stronger your bond will become.

Most of all, a good laughter is actually good for your physical well being.

9. Your ability to align with your higher self

Before coming into this world, your higher self has an intention that’s coded in your spiritual DNA. Once you align yourself with this intention by following the path intended for you, massive support will come your way.

The Universe will open up more opportunities and provide you the help that you need. Your flame will be rekindled and you will just light up.

And that’s where your spiritual power will ultimately skyrocket.

10. Your creative juices

You are creative because you came from a creative God or Source.

If you don’t know what areas you’re good at, experiment and explore. Try anything that makes you feel good.

Pouring your creative juices on a project helps you stay in the moment. And there’s great power in staying in the moment.


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