10 Subtle Signs That Tell Someone Is Not Really Your Soulmate


If you’re like most people, you have waited for the right one to come and redefine what love really is.

However, only a handful of people have met the right one on the first try and ended up living happily ever after.

In our modern times, finding the right one is indeed a challenge. Settling for someone with only a wishful thinking that they might be THE ONE can cause more harm than good.

On the other hand, preventing yourself from dating anyone for the fear that they might not be the one is also unhealthy. You need to open yourself to dating to find your match.

But, how can you really know if he or she is truly the one your soul is looking for? One extremely helpful way is finding out who is not really your one.

10 Subtle Signs Someone Is Not Really Your Soulmate:subtle-signs-someone-is-not-your-soulmate

1. They make you frown more than they make you smile.

The quickest way to know if they’re the one is by keeping a record of how your day with them went. If they made you smile, put a check mark on the date of your calendar when you spend time with them. If they made you frown, put an “x” mark on it.

After a month see how it works. If there are more check marks, it means they could be the one. But if the “x” marks outnumbered the check marks, it’s a sign you couldn’t expect to spend happy days with them. Act immediately before everything gets in your nerves.

A real soulmate makes you smile when you are with them simply by their presence.

2. They make you feel insecure.

We can all feel insecure at some point in our lives. But if someone makes you feel insecure just with their presence, there might be some reason to be.

They might not be totally into the relationship.

A real soulmate inspires you to see yourself in your best light.

3. They seem to be in a hurry.

Great relationships start at a slow and steady pace. There’s no need to rush things because it takes time to really know a person.

If someone rushes the relationship, they might only be after the “honeymoon stage”. Any relationship built too quickly has a tendency to crash too quickly.

A relationship with a real soulmate will develop a harmonious tempo for both of you.

4. They are trying to control you.

When someone appears to be possessive, it’s not a good sign. It only means they want  you to have them as the first priority in your life. They do not honor your time and energy.

That should not be the case.

A real soulmate gives their partner the space to move and the freedom to be themselves without becoming the possessive partner. They believe in your choices.

5. They worship you.

All people delight in having someone provide everything they want and adore them without end. But that’s an egoic desire. Being put on a pedestal to be worshipped is not how soulmates grow and evolve together. Their relationship is beyond ego.

Your partner should know how to help you grow and be empowered. If not, you will lose your respect for them and maybe even for yourself.

A real soulmate does not put you on a pedestal, they see you as the flawed human being that you are, but they see the perfection in that. They will inspire you to see it yourself.

6. They are not open to you.

Some people have the tendency to avoid telling their partners something that they think can be upsetting. But if someone is your real soulmate, they will make no assumptions.

They will tell you everything in a way that can still pacify your heart. Because if they hide something from you once, they are likely to do it again and again. And this just ruins the connection between both of you.

A real soulmate prefers to speak with you first, no matter if it’s something upsetting because they value your connection the most.

7. They do not appear as trustworthy.

If you feel the person you’re dating can’t be trusted, ask yourself if you have jealousy issues. If you’re clear with yourself that you’re not exaggerating things, then maybe your intuition is giving you hints about some shady stuff.

Try to speak with them. If they avoid a real conversation cut the relationship off because it’s clear they are not your soulmate.

A real soulmate will be open with you and they will be honest, no matter if they were having a moment of weakness they are now ashamed of.

8. They do not see your real worth.

There are only two reasons why someone doesn’t see your real value. It’s either they do not value you because they do not value themselves, or you don’t value yourself enough for them to see your value. However, soulmates sense each other’s real worth.

If you can’t see your value then seek that value in yourself first because you can’t expect to establish a relationship with your soulmate if you’re not whole yourself.

A real soulmate will inspire you to see your own worth, but you are the one who needs to work on yourself, it’s not their responsibility.

9. They’re unconsciously making you forget some parts of yourself.

Your partner loves you for what you are before you deepen your relationship. But if you start giving up some of your self care routines and habits in favor of them, chances are, you’ll become a different person from the one your partner fell in love with.

If you reduce spending time with them to have your own me time, they might not be pleased. But they are not the one who choose your decisions.

A real soulmate will give you the freedom to show your whole self.

10. They do not fire you up.

There are people who simply light up the fire in you. If someone is only interesting but you don’t feel that extra factor, then they might not be the one.

Meeting your soulmate doesn’t necessarily have to begin with fireworks, but there’s just something in them you can’t ignore. There is some reaction they make inside you.

A real soulmate cannot be ignored because they evoke some strange and powerful desire deep within you, like a magnetism telling you that you were meant to be together.

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