Learning Your Chakra Type Is The First Step To Achieving Energetic Balance


We are living between two worlds. The Outer World from where you recharge and exercise your energy and the Inner World from where you find connection and direction of energy. You need to have balance between these two worlds to balance your energies.

Real balance means having a roof over your head, food to eat, clothes to keep you warm, a place to call your home, a deep connection with yourself, good relationships, and a strong connectedness with the Source and the world. It’s not one or the other, it’s both!

Real balance us difficult to achieve when your chakras or energy centers aren’t balanced. If some of your chakras are overactive, and other are underactive you will live in a reality created mainly by the overactive chakras and you’ll be out of balance.

The truth is your energy is specific only to you. Thus, the first thing you need to do is know what chakra dominant type are you.

When you identify with your chakra dominant type you will know what you need to work on. When you achieve real energetic balance you will unlock your true energetic potential.

What’s Your Chakra Type:your-chakra-type-first-step-to-achieving-energetic-balance

1. Upper Chakra Dominant Type

If you’re the upper chakra dominant type, then you don’t have problems connecting with your spiritual and Higher Self.

You may have satisfying relationships and you are probably in the best of your health, but your problem lies in keeping yourself grounded.

This means you have struggles providing for your physical needs. Your higher chakras are overflowing with energies but your lower chakras are barely making it.

Working with your lower chakras is the first step to balancing your energies and achieving real abundance.

You need to meet your basic physical needs, connect with yourself and other people on a deeper emotional level and take more action to know yourself better.

2. Lower Chakra Dominant Type

The lower chakra dominant types are the wealthy people who have all the luxuries in life but are miserable, unhappy, and aren’t at peace.

The energies in their lower chakras are so high but they get stuck in the middle, thus an imbalance exists.

Physically and materially they are abundant but spiritually they are in poverty. And in order for them to achieve their true potential they need to reach spirituality.

What you need is, to work on your higher chakras to achieve balance and unlock your true energetic potential.

You need to express yourself, listen to your intuition and open your mind.

3. The Split

You are a split type if you can go back and forth from having high energy levels in the upper chakras to high energy levels in the lower chakras.

The problem lies in having a weak middle, the part that keeps the flow and the balance.

You often gravitate and go forth between the opposites.

What you need to work on is your middle chakras, the heart, throat or the solar plexus.

You need to open your heart, express yourself better and know yourself more.

The Chakras Work Best When They Work Together:

Whatever chakras are dominant in yourself, you need to know that all of them work the best when they work together.

Nurture your balanced chakras and work on the ones you are neglecting because their inactivity blocks your way of achieving energetic balance..

You also need to take note that you can be a mix of the three types.

Knowing yourself better is the key to knowing the energies that you lack.

When you are being balanced you are empowered from within.

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